Visit and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to watch our services afterward.
Prayer Call To Worship
Worship In Songs: “Every Praise” / “Shepherd Cece”
Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:19-23
Time of Prayer
Tithe and Offering: “Gentle Shepherd”
Children’s Moment: “Roll Away”
Scripture Reading: Philippians 4:8-9
Sermon: “The Heart of A Winsom Disciple Maker”
Song of Reflection: “The Lord Whom We Love”
Closing Remarks/Benediction
“The Heart of A Winsom Disciple Maker”
“1 Corinthians 9:19-23, Colossians 4: 2-6, Philippians 4:8-9”
Pastor Eddie Jjumba
Share your Testimony
Sharing your experiences about how God is present in your life and the peace that you have found in Christ can encourage others to share their testimony. If you are interested in sharing your testimony during a Sunday Service please feel free to contact Pastor Eddie or call the Milliken Church at (905) 475-3579 so that we can plan accordingly.
Weekday Podcast: Fisher of People
Pastor Eddie started a new Weekday Podcast. He will go LIVE on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter every Weekday at 4:19 pm to help us focus on becoming Fisher of People. If you subscribe to our YouTube channel or follow our Facebook and Twitter, you will be notified when he goes live. Tune in for his refreshing thoughts.
Prayer Calendar
Pastor Eddie gave us all a commission that we as a church would make it our priority to take time to pray. The Prayer Calendar is also available online on our Website.
Lenten Season Services
We will be having mid-week services @ 7:00 pm until March 29th. On Thursday, April 6 we will have our Joint Maundy Thursday Service with TCCC at 7:00 pm. Good Friday Service will be at 10:00 am. Full Schedules can be found at the Lent 2023 Page.
Family Sunday at Milliken!
Milliken will have FAMILY SUNDAY every month on the last Sunday of the month. Each month, we will have 1 family who will “lead” the service. This is a time for you to also invite others to join in and worship with us!
Worship Arts Team 2023
We have been blessed with a wonderful team of volunteers who have committed their gifts to serving the Lord in this capacity. We would love for more of you to join our Worship Arts Team in the new year. Here are 3 reasons why you should join:
1) A place to develop your gifts and be equipped to serve
2) Wonderful team of believers who support each other and pray for each other
3) Youth Alert! If you are looking to gain credits toward your volunteer service, this is a great way for you to earn those credits!
For more information, please visit for details on these areas of service.