Failing Forward in Discipling

Failing Forward in Discipling

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Second Sunday of Lent Morning Worship Worship Service


Prayer Call To Worship

Worship In Songs: “Awesome” / “Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)”

Scripture Reading: Acts 15:36-41

Worship in Song: “Make Room”

Time of Prayer Announcements

Testimony: Mr. Daniel A.

Tithe and Offering: “I Will Trust in You”

Children’s Moment: “Clap De Hands”

Scripture Reading: Matthew 18:1-11

Sermon: “Failing Forward in Discipling”

Song of Reflection: “Send Me”

Closing Remarks/Benediction

CCLI Copyrights License #61574
CCLI Streaming License #20706684
Closing Credit Background music for non-commercial use from Aaron Parecki (

Tags: Milliken Church, Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church, Church in Markham, Markham Church, Wesleyan Church, A Place of Prayer and Transforming Hope, Christian Church, Sunday Morning Service, Worship Service, Sunday Worship Service, Praise and Worship, Made New, Disciple, Fail, Failure, Failing Forward