Prayer at MWMC
Prayer Ministry at Milliken takes various forms such as during the Sunday morning worship service, monthly prayer meetings, prayer Walks, prayer seminars, and prayer vigils.
Should you have a need for prayer, we would be privileged to meet with you to pray and intercede for you. God answers prayer! We need only trust Him to do so.
Prayer Ministry Team: Jeanine Luke, Yvonne Walters Contact: (905) 475-3579 to let us know your prayer need, and how we can join you in the privilege of praying to our God who loves us more than we could ever deserve.
Why Should We Pray – For what do we pray?
Prayer is the only way to a real and personal relationship with God. There is nothing we can’t pray about. There are abundant references to prayer in the Bible. The Bible tells us to “pray without ceasing” and “in everything give thanks to the Lord.” When we choose to have a positive attitude, we realize we have received many blessings for which to give God praise.
We find intimacy with God through communicating with Him in prayer. We go to Him in faith, knowing that He hears and answers all our prayers (1 John 5:14). Be confident that God knows and wants what is best for you; so ask that His will be done in all you seek from Him. Then, thank Him for it, even though it hasn’t happened yet.