== Sunday, February 20, 2022 – Seventh Sunday of Epiphany Communion Service ==
Thank you for joining us online in Worship. We live stream our service every Sunday morning at 10:00 am on YouTube and Facebook. Please subscribe (http://bit.ly/2OiiFtD) and turn on notifications to our channel so that you will get a reminder when we stream. Please also like and share our video. God bless.
Due to the current CoViD-19 situation and restrictions, we have suspended in-person worship until further notice. If you subscribe to get our updates. That way, you will be notified when we reopen. To subscribe, please visit MillikenChurch.org/sign-up.
Milliken Church is part of The Wesleyan Church; an evangelical, holiness group within the Methodist Christian family of denominations. To learn more, visit our website or speak with our pastors.
Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church is a welcoming community that values diversity. We strive to honour God, confessing Jesus is Lord, through various forms of praise and worship, thoughtful teaching, opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, compassionate outreach and service.
00:00 Service ID
00:03 “Love Actually Is”
01:25 Welcoming, Announcements, and Opening Prayer
11:35 Scripture Reading (Galatians 6:1-10 (NLT))
13:16 Song of Praise: “The Power of Your Love”
17:31 Time of Prayer
24:39 Scripture Reading (Genesis 4:1-11 (NIV))
26:35 Sermon: “Family Matters: My Brother’s Keeper?!”
1:01:54 Song of Praise: “Humble King”
1:06:47 Communion, Closing Remarks, Benediction
1:14:24 Closing Credit
Website: https://www.MillikenChurch.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MillikenChurch
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/millikenchurch/
CCLI Copyrights License #61574
CCLI Streaming License #20706684
Countdown music performed by Mr. Robert Hughes
Closing Credit Background music for non-commercial use from Aaron Parecki (https://100.AaronParecki.com/)
Bumper Video broadcasted under Web License of PlayBack Media.
Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church, Milliken Church, Markham, Wesleyan Church,