December 8, 2024Let’s Revitalize, Milliken!
13 This is how we know that we live in Him and He in us: He has given us of His Spirit. 14 And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent His Son to be the Saviour of the world. 15 If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God. 16 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. – 1 John 4:13-16
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to watch us live or afterward.
Prayer Call to Worship
Susan Thomas
Advent Candle Lighting
Advent Reading Week 2 :Peace & Preparation
Advent Candle Reading 2
Worship in Song:
“Days of Elijah”
“It Came Upon A Midnight Clear”
Scripture Reading #1: Phil. 1: 3-11
Welcome / Meet & Greet
Tithes and Offerings/Doxology
Testimony Time
Children’s Moment
Scripture Reading: Luke 1: 1-6
Song of the Word: “Ancient Words”
Sermon: “Time To Tell”
Song of Reflection: “Go Tell It On The Mountain”
Time of Prayer
Closing Remarks / Benediction
All Ministry Leaders
Please make sure you pass final information of any announcements (including any changes to ongoing meets, i.e. suspension of a meeting or adding a meeting time) to Pastors Aza or Eddie by Wednesdays at 9 pm. Otherwise, the announcements will not be made on the Sunday but the following Sunday.
Ushers Needed
We are looking for people who are willing to serve as ushers. If you would like to serve in this capacity, please see Kerth as soon as you can.
Christmas/New Year’s Eve Services
Join us for the following Christmas Services:
Sunday, December 15 @ 3:00 pm
Christmas Caroling for Shut-ins (3:00 pm -5:00 pm)
Wednesday, December 18 @ 7:00 pm
Special – “PRINCE OF PEACE” Christmas Carols & Play at Willowdale Welcome Centre
Sunday, December 22 @ 10:10 am
Children’s Christmas Program
Tuesday, December 24 @ 7:00 pm
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Wednesday, December 25 @ 10:00 am
Christmas Morning Service
Tuesday, December 31 @ 10:30 pm
New Year’s Eve/ Cross-Over Service w/ TAMIL CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF CANADA (TCCC).
Reminder from the Finance Team
Please remember the following when you make your offering:
- By Envelop: Please write your full name (first and last), home address, and email address on the envelope.
- By e-transfer: Please censure you fill you full name, address and/or envelope # in the memo section.
If you have changed your name or address, please inform brother Stefan Southwell or sister Natasha Bramble as soon as possible. If you have any other questions about this, please contact brother Stefan Southwell at
Poinsettia Ordering
Registration for Poinsettia Orders is now closed. HOWEVER, if you missed the window and would REALLY like to have a poinsetta YOU MUST BE IN TOUCH WITH CHIS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE MORNING SERVICE. with your $15 donation per pot. If you want your poinsettia to be a tribute in honour of a loved one, please eMail brother Chris at with the following information: (1) confirming you have make the donation; (2) the name(s) the pot is donated by; and, (3) to whom it is paying tribute to.
The Poinsettias will arrive Church on Saturday, December 21, and available for pickup after the Candlelight Service on Tuesday, December 24, and must be picked up by Wednesday, December 25 after the Christmas Day Morning Service. After that it may be given away.
Christmas Decorations
As you can see, our decorations are STILL not up, and we need your help. Please let Pastor Aza know if you can come in on Monday, or Tuesday, night, between 7-9 pm, Wednesday in the day starting at 11 am-5 pm, or or Saturday between 10:30 am-12:30 pm this week to help decorate, it would be great. We would love to give out volunteer hours for any high school students, too.
Christmas Caroling for the Shut-ins
On Sunday, December 15, we will be visiting our members who have not been able to join us due to health or mobility issues. We would like to visit as many of them as we can, but we need your participation, as the more of you there are, the more of our members we can visit. It will be 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm. If you are able to participate, please SIGN UP via the sign-up list that was sent out by email this week, or contact Pastors Stephen or Aza by Wed. Dec 11 at the latest to confirm your participation.
Donation of Sanctuary Organ
We are donating the Organ that was in our sanctuary for a number of years. We want to make this donation available to members of our congregation before opening it up to the public. Please note it is not fully functional and we are uncertain if it can be repaired. If you are interested in taking this organ, please speak to our Trustees (Kerth or Nicole), as soon as possible.
Christmas Banquet
Thank you to everyone who attended and participated in our Christmas Banquet. We truly appreciate everyone who came out, and the hands that make this event possible every year! For everyone who missed out this year, the Lord willing, make your plan to come out next year!
Church Anniversary / Advent Project
As part of our Growing Outward effort, we are running a fundraising project aiming to support our Church Plant in Kitchener, Lighthouse Church with Pastor Suzzette. We will be collecting support until Christmas. Please mark “Lighthouse” on the offering envelope, or appropriate fields if you donate online.
They are having their very first gathering today, our very own Pastors Eddie and Aza are there with a few of our members to celebrate the launch of this church plant. Please keep Pastor Suzette, her family and this Church Plant in your prayers that they will do a mighty work for the Lord in this city.
Christmas Caroling at Willowdale
We are planning to host a special Christmas Carolling and Play event at Willowdale Welcome Centre entitled “PRINCE OF PEACE” on Wednesday, December 18 at 6:30 pm. If you would like to join us, please register using the Sign-Up Genius form that was sent out by email. If you are not on our mailing list, please contact Pastors Eddie and Aza.
Willowdale Post-Christmas Holiday Dinner
Join us for a special Post-Christmas Holiday dinner for the residents of Willowdale Welcome here at Milliken. Come join us for a time of fellowship and worship.
Date: Saturday, January 18, 2025
Time: 4:30 pm
Place: Milliken Church
We are collecting donations for this event until January 12.
Wednesday/Thursday Bible Studies
Our Wednesday evening Bible Study takes place Wednesdays at 7:15pm. Thursday morning Bible Study will take place on Thursdays at 10:00 am. *Please note that Wednesday Bible Study will have it’s last meeting of the year on Dec. 11 and will resume on Jan. 15. Thursday Bible Study has finished for the year and will resume in March.*
Ministry at Willowdale Welcome Centre
We have been afforded the opportunity to minister through worship and the Word at Willowdale Welcome Centre Wednesday mornings from 10:00 am – 11:30 am, and every Last Wednesday evening of the month 6:00 – 8:00 pm. If you are available and would like to serve in this capacity, please contact Pastor Eddie or Pastor Aza for more information as our access and attendance are to be confirmed week to week.
Next Evening Service will be on December 18 at 6:30 pm.
Chinese-English Corner
Dr. Joan Chung is our Chinese Language teacher teaching us Mandarin. The next two classes will take place at the end of December as Dr. Joan will be away. If you are interested and would like to join, please reach out to Pastor Aza or Brother Chris and we will get you connected with our Zoom Link.
Share your Testimony
Sharing your experiences about how God is present in your life and the peace that you have found in Christ can encourage others to share their testimony. If you are interested in sharing your testimony during a Sunday Service, please feel free to contact Pastor Eddie or call the Milliken Church at (905) 475-3579 so that we can plan accordingly.
Milliken Pulse
The newest Milliken Pulse is here! You can collect our November edition at our Welcome Station in the front foyer.
Traumatic Incident Response Protocol
As we continue to “Grow Outward”, we are pleased to announce our collaboration with the Traumatic Incident Response Protocol (TIRP), a community-based initiative supported by York Region and York Regional Police. It is designed to support individuals and families in Markham recover and heal in the aftermath of traumatic incidents by providing immediate support, resources, and connections to community services.
We encourage everyone to learn more about TIRP and how it can positively impact our community. Please take a moment to share your feedback by completing the Community Safety Standard Survey ( *for residents of Markham). Your insights will help strengthen community safety and well-being.
Together, we can make a difference in creating a safer, more connected community!
Pastor Eddie’s Mission Trip Next Year
World Hope International, the Mission Branch of the Wesleyan Church, has given an incredible opportunity to our Senior Pastor – Rev. Eddie Jjumba to join a team to visit Sierra Leone. The purpose of the trip is to see what God is doing through World Hope and the Wesleyan Church in Sierra Leone.
Milliken Church family has been an incredible supporter of ministry in Sierra Leone for many years. We can look forward to hearing about Rev. Eddie’s trip and what God will do in his life when he returns!
We encourage our families to continue our journey in revitalizing our faith, our families, and our church. Visit our Revitalization Page at
Lead “Family” Open Invitation
We are continually looking for family units, meaning you may not have to be related by blood, but by association, to lead the Church in worship. Even if you have participated before, we welcome your participation. Please contact Pastor Stephen to let him know your availability so that we can plan ahead.
Weekday Podcast: 4:19 Fisher of People
Pastor Eddie has a Weekday Podcast. He goes live on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter every Weekday at 4:19 pm to help us focus on becoming Fisher of People. Subscribe to our YouTube channel or follow our Facebook and Twitter, you will be notified when he goes live. Tune in for his refreshing thoughts.
Worship Arts Team
We have been blessed with a wonderful team of volunteers who have committed their gifts to serving the Lord in this capacity. We would love for more of you to join our Worship Arts Team in the new year. Here are 3 reasons why you should join:
- A place to develop your gifts and be equipped to serve
- Wonderful team of believers who support each other and pray for each other
- Youth Alert! If you are looking to gain credits toward your volunteer service, this is a great way for you to earn those credits! For more information, please visit for details on these areas of service.
Prayer Requests
“Time To Tell”
Scriptures: Phil. 1:3-11, Luke 1: 1-6
Speaker: Rev. Stephen Rollins
This Week at MWMC
Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024
Sunday School @ 9:00 am
Second Sunday of Advent Morning Worship Service @ 10:10 am
Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2024
Hand Chimes Rehearsal @ 7:00 pm
Time To Pray Via Zoom @ 7:15 pm
Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2024
“Prince of Peace – Christmas Carols/Play” Rehearsal @ 7:00 pm
Bible Study via Zoom @ 7:15 pm
Thursday, Dec. 12, 2024
In-Person Bible Study @ 10:30 am
Worship & Media Rehearsal @ 7:00 pm
Sunday, Dec. 15, 2024
Sunday School @ 9:00 am
Third Sunday of Advent Morning Worship Service @ 10:10 am
Sign up for our Newsletter
or to get connected to our groups at to receive the Zoom link
Last Sunday Statistics
Online Viewers: 191
YouTube: 111
Facebook: 80
In-Person Attendance: 74
Offering: $6306.40
About Milliken Church
Milliken Church is part of The Wesleyan Church; an evangelical, holiness group within the Methodist Christian family of denominations. To learn more, visit our website or speak with our pastor.
Mission Statement
Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church is a welcoming community that values diversity.
We strive to honour God, confessing Jesus is Lord, through various forms of praise and worship, thoughtful teaching, opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, compassionate outreach, and service.
Contact Us
Visit our contact page for more information and ways to get in touch with us!