October 9, 2022
Welcome to Milliken!
Give Thanks to Him for all He’s done!
24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. -Mark 11:24
Visit and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to watch us live or afterward.
Call To Worship in Prayer
Responsive Reading
Worship In Song
“He Has Made Me Glad”
“We Bring The Sacrifice Of Praise”
Scripture Reading
Job 42:1-6
Worship In Song
“Thank you Lord ”
Testimony: An Attitude Of Gratitude
Worship In Song
“Great Is Thy Faithfulness ”
Time of PrayerAnnouncements
Offertory: Hand Chimes Ensemble
“O For A Thousand Tongues ”
“Give Thanks”
Testimony: An Attitude Of Gratitude
Children’s Dismissal
Scripture Reading
Philippians 4:11-12
Song Of Reflection:
“How Great Thou Art/ Goodness Of God”
Closing Remarks/ Benediction:
Thanksgiving Mission
Today, Milliken will partner with Dominion Church International for a special community dinner and clothing drive for several refugees who have recently come to Canada and are in need of our support. A number of Refugees are in need of clothing, personal care supplies, diapers, grocery gift cards etc. We ask for your assistance to give generously to the mission and invite you to come join us for lunch from 1:30pm at Dominion Church International, 2256 Sheppard Ave W, North York, ON M9M 1L7.
Please note, if you would like to make a monetary donation, please go to our website, select GIVE and in the OTHER section, mark your donation as BENEVOLENT FUND and your gift will be allocated toward this initiative. Thank you for your generosity.
Congratulations, Pastor Eddie
We extend our congratulations to Pastor Eddie as will be honoured with an Abedorc Award for excellence in art, entertainment and community service. You are invited to celebrate with him at the award dinner at 7:45pm Friday, October 17 @8pm. Details will be sent via email.
Mid-Year Local Church Conference
Milliken will hold a Mid-year Local Church Conference in the sanctuary on Wednesday, November 16 at 7:00pm. We are calling every member and non-member parishioner to be in attendance. Please mark your calendars accordingly.
Christmas Banquet is Coming!
Milliken kicks off it first Christmas event in 2 years, and we invite you to our annual banquet on Saturday, December 3. Tickets will be $30 for adults, $10 for children. No tickets will be sold at the door and must be purchased by November 20 at the latest. Don’t miss out!
Worship Arts Team
We have been blessed with a wonderful team of volunteers who have committed their gifts to serving the Lord in this capacity. We would love for more of you to join our Worship Arts Team. Here are 3 reasons why you should join:
1) A place to develop your gifts and be equipped to serve
2) Wonderful team of believers who support each other and pray for each other
3) Youth Alert! If you are looking to gain credits toward your volunteer service, this is a great way for you to earn those credits!
For more information, please visit www.millikenchurch.org for details on these areas of service.
Tithes and Offerings can be submitted in person or online. If you would like to arrange a personal drop off aside from the above options, please call 905-475-3579. Please make an appointment before a drop off is made to ensure someone will be present to receive it. Leave a message and someone will confirm your arrangements. You may also visit us at www.millikenchurch.org and select GIVE. Your contributions are greatly appreciated.
“Radical Gratitude”
Scripture: Job 42:1-6; Philippians 4:11-12
Speaker: Pastor Eddie Jjumba
This Week at MWMC
Sun. Oct. 9
MWMC Sunday School @ 9:30am
Milliken Worship Service & Livestream @10:30am
Children’s Church @ 11:00am
Mon. Oct. 10
Hand Chimes @ 10:00 am
Tue. Oct. 11
Time to Pray via Zoom @ 7:15pm
Sign up on our website at www.millikenchurch.org/contact to get connected to our group to receive Zoom link
Wed. Oct. 12
Evening Bible Study ONLINE @ 7:15pm
Sign up on our website at www.millikenchurch.org/contact to get connected to our group to receive Zoom link
MWMC Youth @ 7:30pm
Thurs. Oct. 13
Morning Bible Study @10:30am (NEW)- MEETING IN FELLOWSHIP ROOM
Hand Chimes @ 7:00pm
Sun. Oct. 16
MWMC Sunday School@ 9:30am
Milliken Church Worship Service and Live Stream (Communion Sunday) @ 10:30am
Children’s Church In-Person & Online @ 11:00am
Last Sunday Statistics
Online Viewers: 69
In-Person Attendance: 73
Offering Last Sunday: $2958
About Milliken Church
Milliken Church is part of The Wesleyan Church; an evangelical, holiness group within the Methodist Christian family of denominations. To learn more, visit our website or speak with our pastor.
Mission Statement
Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church is a welcoming community that values diversity. We strive to honour God, confessing Jesus is Lord, through various forms of praise and worship, thoughtful teaching, opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, compassionate outreach and service.
Contact Us
Visit our contact page for more information and ways to get in touch with us!