December 7, 2018
Second Sunday of Advent
Christ is coming! The colour blue on our altar table signals us to “look up” (to the sky) for our redemption draws near. We long to be ready for His appearing and share in the joy He promises His people. We pray that you will sense the peace of Jesus’ presence as we worship today.
Call to Worship
“Jesus is Coming”
Music Worship Team
Responsive Invocation
drawn from James 5
Songs of Praise
“We Want to See Jesus Lifted High”
“Open Up the Heavens”
“I Want to Know You More”
Advent Candle Lighting
Luke 1:47-55
Carol of Response (insert)
“Tell Out My Soul”
Time of Prayer
“While We Are Waiting, Come”
EPIC Moments
Gloria Patri
Announcements & Offering Prayer
“The Prayer”
Rishnika Boteju & Aggrey King
Time of Greeting
“Make Us One”
Old Testament Reading
Psalm 127
“The Lord Directs our Steps”
Prayer of Commitment
Closing Hymn #305
“Jesus Is Coming Again”
“Open Up the Heavens”
Music Worship Team
Pressure Points Our special Advent Sunday School series begins today at 9:30am. Join Teacher Lance Alcindor (our Sunday School Superintendent) as he leads this 5-week lesson series that explores God’s guidance for real-life subjects in today’s world.
Memorial Poinsettias are now available for purchase. To order one in memory of your loved one, place $10 in an envelope. Write the following information: (a) your name, (b) the name of the person being remembered, and (c) that person’s relationship to you. Place the marked envelope in the collection plate during the offering. The full list of memorials will be printed in the bulletin on the final Sunday of Advent. Thank you.
The Ontario Women’s Centre (of Teen Challenge Canada) invites everyone to their “Home for Christmas” fundraiser concert this Saturday (December 13th) at Malvern Christian Assembly at 7pm. Tickets are $20 in advance or $25 at the door and children attend for free. Come enjoy Christmas music and inspiring life stories of God’s redemptive power over addiction and loss.
How To Pray Next month we will offer our first online topical book study! But you may sign up to participate, starting today. This will include three sessions, based on the classic book How To Pray by R.A. Torrey. Stop at the Information Desk to order your copy of the book, or speak wtih Susan Thomas to learn more.
Last week we received an update from Missionaries Robin & Yoko White…
Hi Everyone,
It was a great honor to meet a few of you when I visited your church last month. Thank you for making the effort to attend that Wednesday evening missions service, and learning more about our new ministry plans! You may remember that on the day I visited you, my wife had just left on an emergency flight back to Japan, because her father was gravely ill. Two days later, she asked me to join her. Yoko was home with her parents for what became the last three days of her father’s life. She was most grateful for this precious time the Lord provided.
I flew to Japan and we spent a couple of weeks in Nagoya with the family. Last week, we returned to Canada and resumed our deputation work in New Brunswick. Thank you for your prayers and concern through this difficult time. Yoko, her mom and sister are all doing well, considering. But there will be some adjustment and processing in the days ahead. Please continue to pray for our family – and for others who may come to meet Jesus as they consider the nature and frailty of this life.
God bless you all.
– Robin & Yoko
Scripture: Psalm 127
Sermon: “The Lord Directs Our Steps”
Speaker: Pastor Axel Kazadi
The Next Week at MWMC
Choir Rehearsal
Sun Dec 8
HandChime Rehearsal
Mon Dec 9
Badminton Club
Mon Dec 9
Tai Chi Group
Tue Dec 10
Mandarin Discipleship Group
Tue Dec 10
Reach Youth
Wed Dec 11
Evening Handchimes Rehearsal
Wed Dec 11
Time to Pray
Wed Dec 11
Trustees Meeting
Thr Dec 12
Young Adult Christmas Party
Fri Dec 13
Cantata Rehearsal
Sat Dec 14
Pressure Points Class
Sun Dec 15
Advent Morning Worship & Cantata Program
Sun Dec 15
Last Sunday Statistics
Attendance: 81
Offering Total: $3,351
About Milliken Church
Milliken Church is part of The Wesleyan Church; an evangelical, holiness group within the Methodist Christian family of denominations. To learn more, visit our website or speak with our pastor.
Mission Statement
Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church is a welcoming community that values diversity. We strive to honour God, confessing Jesus is Lord, through various forms of praise and worship, thoughtful teaching, opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, compassionate outreach and service.
Contact Us
Visit our contact page for more information and ways to get in touch with us!