November 24, 2018
Christ the King Sunday
Today Christians around the world declare that Jesus Christ is King. He has been given a name above all others. And His Kingdom will have no end. We pray that you will choose to proclaim the ancient creed: “Jesus is Lord” as we worship this morning.
Call to Worship
“All Hail King Jesus”
Hand Chime Ensemble
Responsive Gospel Invocation
drawn on Song of Songs 2:3-5
Songs of Praise
“Only King Forever”
“King of My Heart”
“Take Me to the King”
Time of Prayer
“You Are my King”
1st Reading
Genesis 1:26-30
First Lesson & Snack Sampling
Song of Response
“Great Are You, Lord”
2nd Reading
Genesis 9:1-5
Second Lesson & Snack Sharing
Song of Response
“Gloria Patri”
3rd Reading
Leviticus 11:1-23
Third Lesson & Picture Game
Song of Response
Time of Greeting
“Make Us One”
4th (Gospel) Reading
Mark 7:14-23
Fourth Lesson & Response
Song of Response
“Give Me a Clean Heart”
5th (New Testament) Reading
Romans 14:14-23
Fifth Lesson & Planning Moments
Reading Response #678
“The Hungry Man & I”
Announcements & Offering Prayer
“Hungry (Falling on my Knees)”
Music Worship Team
Closing Hymn #345
“Crown Him with Many Crowns”
“Only King Forever”
Music Worship Team
Christmas Card Sale Gloria Pickersgill is now offering Christmas Cards as a fundraiser for the local Sickle Cell Association. Please stop at the table in the foyer to purchase cards and assist this organization.
Men’s Breakfast will take place this Saturday, November 30th at 8:30am. We will share food, fellowship and insights from the life of Abraham. Men of all ages are encouraged to attend.
Pressure Points Our special Advent Sunday School series will begin next Sunday at 9:30am. Join Teacher Lance Alcindor (who is also our Sunday School Superintendent) as he leads this 5-week lesson series that explores God’s guidance for real-life subjects in today’s world.
Christmas Banquet You are invited to purchase tickets for our annual Christmas dinner event scheduled for December 7th at 6:30pm. Ticket prices are $25 for adults and $10 for children ages 12 and under. The evening will include great food as well as entertainment.
Markham Crisis Pregnancy Centre
We recently received an update on the ministry of the Markham Crisis Pregnancy Centre…
Dear Milliken Church,
Thank you for your continuing prayers and support for this local life-rescuing ministry here in Markham. God’s hand has been so evident during this current, changing season here at the centre. The past several months have become a time of staff changes and adjustments!
Sarah Rytkonen, our 5-year volunteer leader of the Moms & Tots Group has moved on to a wonderful teaching position. Melissa Julian has switched her volunteer role to now become our Administrative Assistant. And Cheryl, our current Client Services Director has been chosen, by our Board of Directors, to become our next Executive Director. Cheryl has been mentoring with me for several months. Last month she attended the national “New Directors Training” in Alberta, along with others from across Canada. This was the final piece of her equipping for the role.
The Lord has also sent us Julie Whalen, who will take up Cheryl’s current role as our Client Services Director! Praise the Lord. This means that I can now finish my incredible 28 years with this organization next month. The Lord has miraculously protected, blessed and grown our service in this community. And I am so grateful for the new team now in place. Please pray for them, encourage them and welcome them – they are such a gift!
I stand in awe of how God has woven this team and look forward to all He has in store for MSCPC in the future as He walks hand in hand with them.
With a heart full of love,
Janice Russell, Executive Director
1st Lesson: Genesis 1:26-30
2nd Lesson: Genesis 9:1-5
3rd Lesson: Leviticus 11:1-23
4th Lesson: Mark 7:14-23
5th Lesson: Romans 14:14-23
The Next Week at MWMC
Choir Rehearsal
Sun Nov 24
Youth Fellowship & Outing
Sun Nov 24
HandChime Rehearsal
Mon Nov 25
Badminton Club
Mon Nov 25
Tai Chi Group
Tue Nov 26
Mandarin Discipleship Group
Tue Nov 26
Line Dancing Class
Tue Nov 26
Reach Youth
Wed Nov 27
Time to Pray
Wed Nov 27
Language Exchange Class
Thr Nov 28
Stretch Class
Fri Nov 29
Men’s Breakfast
Sat Nov 30
Cantata Rehearsal
Sat Nov 30
Pressure Points Class
Sun Dec 1
Advent Worship & Communion Service
Sun Dec 1
Last Sunday Statistics
Attendance: 135
Offering Total: $4,657
About Milliken Church
Milliken Church is part of The Wesleyan Church; an evangelical, holiness group within the Methodist Christian family of denominations. To learn more, visit our website or speak with our pastor.
Mission Statement
Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church is a welcoming community that values diversity. We strive to honour God, confessing Jesus is Lord, through various forms of praise and worship, thoughtful teaching, opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, compassionate outreach and service.
Contact Us
Visit our contact page for more information and ways to get in touch with us!