October 27, 2018
Season of Kingdomtide
During these weeks the Church around the world celebrates the coming of God’s kingdom on earth. The colour green on our altar reminds us that the Lord brings growth, health, and fullness of life to all enter this kingdom. We pray that you will experience the fullness He offers as you worship with us today.
Call to Worship
“Friend of God”
Music Worship Team
Responsive Invocation
based on 2nd Timothy 4:16-18
Songs of Praise
“This Is Amazing Grace”
“Reckless Love”
“Bless the Lord (10,000 Reasons)”
Gospel Reading
Luke 16:1-15
Hymn of Response #13
“The Wonder of It All”
Time of Prayer
“I Love You Lord, Today”
EPIC Moments
Song of Praise
“Gloria Patri”
Time of Greeting
“Make Us One”
Old Testament Reading
Nehemiah 5
“Financial Pressure”
Service of Holy Communion
Song During Communion
“Let Us Be Bread”
“Give Thanks”
Hymn of Praise #260
“And Can It Be”
“This Is Amazing Grace”
Music Worship Team
Our Sympathy extends to the family of Avis Burnett who passed away nine days ago, after a long battle with diabetes. Arrangements are as follows. Visitation at Highland Funeral Home on Thursday, October 31st, from 6-8pm. Visitation at Milliken Church on Friday, November 1st, beginning at 10am, followed by the Funeral Service at noon. Please remember this family in your prayers.
First Friday Prayer Vigil We invite you to pray for our several provincial church plants this Friday at the time of your choice. Update slips can be picked up from the back Sanctuary table. Thank you for praying.
New Church Photo Directory We want you in our next church pictorial directory! Please make an appointment to have your picture taken on November 14th, 15th or 16th. Please also complete an information update so that we will have accurate information for you and your family! Sign up at the table in the foyer today. No purchases are necessary to be included in this important church resource.
Introducing Secret Sisters Ministry Secret Sisters is a great way to connect with another lady in our church family. By joining, you commit to pray for another lady regularly, and secretly encourage her from November 10, 2019 to June 28, 2020. There will be a Secret Sister mailbox at the back of the Sanctuary where you can leave a note or token for your Sister at least once a month! Remind her that you are committed to think about and pray for her. We will have a Reveal in June and you will find out who your Sister was. See Harriet Farrell for a questionnaire if you are interested to learn more or to join this ministry. Please return your questionnaire by next Sunday to be included. Thank you!
Sierra Leone
Kamakwie Wesleyan Hospital recently sent an update about its ongoing work and circumstances…
Dear Milliken Church Friends, Not long ago we had a surprise unfortunate event. Thieves attempted to break in to Dr James Hayton’s home. My husband, Geoff and I “happened” to be on the hospital campus that night, and thankfully, were able to scare the intruders away. However, Dr Hayton was injured. This shocked and angered many in our community. One sad, long-term consequence of this incident is that several “potential” visiting doctors are no longer willing to come and volunteer in our facility. We are working to improve security, but this takes both manpower and money! Global Partners, our overseeing agency, has come alongside with some funds toward the installation of a security fence. We believe this would give us a greater level of security. Please pray for the following needs in light of this development:
– Pray for Dr James Hayton’s full physical healing
– Pray for all the staff and their emotional recovery from this threat of danger
– Pray for the new security fence project, that it will be a deterrent and shield of protection.
Also, the nation has subdivided this area of the country into two new districts. Kamakwie is now the principal town of the Karene District, which is very large and rural. We are also the only hospital in this district, so we must now work with the government more closely than before. Please pray for wisdom as we create partnerships and work alongside the government ministry of health.
We so appreciate your partnership and prayers! The demands upon us are many, but our Master is able to do all things as we offer God’s healing touch in the name of Jesus.
-Warmly, Carrie Jo Cain
Scripture: Nehemiah 5
Sermon: “Financial Pressure”
The Next Week at MWMC
Choir Rehearsal
Sun Oct 27
Church Board Meeting
Sun Oct 27
HandChime Rehearsal
Mon Oct 28
Badminton Club
Mon Oct 28
Tai Chi Group
Tue Oct 29
Line Dancing Class
Tue Oct 29
Reach Youth
Wed Oct 30
Time to Pray
Wed Oct 30
Ladies Bible Study (Morning Group)
Thr Oct 31
Hand Chime Rehearsal
Thr Oct 31
Ladies Bible Study (Evening Group)
Thr Oct 31
Stretch Class
Fri Nov 1
Avis Burnett Funeral
Fri Nov 1
Sunday School Classes
Sun Nov 3
39th Anniversary Worship Service & Luncheon
Sun Nov 3
Sunrise Nursing Home Service
Sun Nov 3
Last Sunday Statistics
Attendance: 126
Offering Total: $5,265
About Milliken Church
Milliken Church is part of The Wesleyan Church; an evangelical, holiness group within the Methodist Christian family of denominations. To learn more, visit our website or speak with our pastor.
Mission Statement
Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church is a welcoming community that values diversity. We strive to honour God, confessing Jesus is Lord, through various forms of praise and worship, thoughtful teaching, opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, compassionate outreach and service.
Contact Us
Visit our contact page for more information and ways to get in touch with us!