September 1, 2018
Season of Kingdomtide
During these weeks the Church around the world celebrates the coming of God’s kingdom on earth. The colour green on our altar reminds us that the Lord brings growth, health, and fullness of life to all enter this kingdom. We pray that you will experience the fullness He offers as you worship with us today.
Call to Worship Hymn #5
“Morning Has Broken” (vs.1 & 3)
Responsive Invocation
based on Psalm 8
Songs of Praise
“Let It Rise”
“God of Wonders”
“All Heaven Declares”
Old Testament Reading
Isaiah 55
Hymn of Response (insert)
“Springs of Living Water”
Time of Prayer
“God Is So Good”
EPIC Moments
Song of Response
“Gloria Patri”
Time of Greeting
“Make Us One”
Announcements & Offering Prayer
Music Worship Team
Gospel Reading
Matthew 28:16-20
Pastor Axel Kazadi
Song of Response
“He Is Here”
Service of Holy Communion
Song During Communion
“Taste & See”
Music Worship Team
Youth Fellowship will take place today after the Morning Worship Service. All teens are encouraged to stay and participate. We will welcome our new Grade 7 students with lunch and fun for all. Speak with Pastor Axel to learn more.
Devotionals The next issue of The Upper Room and & Light From the Word can be picked up from the back Sanctuary table. One per family please, this allows others to share. If you would like to receive the Light From the Word devotional via daily email, you may subscribe for this resource at
Sunday School Classes will begin next Sunday morning at 9:30am. Start the school year by investing in your study of Scripture during this hour. Speak with Superintendent Lance Alcindor to learn more about the classes available.
Language Exchange Class will begin this Thursday evening at 7pm. We seek some students who speak only English, and others who speak only Mandarin. Come learn words you can use to greet a new neighbor! A sign-up sheet for this class is located at the Information Desk.
The Spiritual Gifts Seminar will take place on Saturday, September 21st at 10am. This class helps attendees identify and give thanks for the unique spiritual abilities and natural talents in themselves and others! Sign up at the Information Desk today if you would like to attend.
Toronto, Ontario
This past week Pastors David & Olivia Phillips sent a thank you note, and an update on their efforts to plant a new church in the Bloorview Village neighborhood of Toronto…
Dear Milliken Church Family,
What a blessing you have been to our family. Thank you for the gifts and food and welcome that you gave us in the baby shower for our newborn son, Tristan. He will be well clothed, and fed and diapered for many months because of you! And thank you for the scheduling this event while Olivia’s parents could be here to attend. It was a blessing beyond measure to share this with them too. We greatly appreciate your continuing expressions of love, community and support.
Let us also share a word about the progress of Waypoint: we hosted our first live event in mid-July. It was a board game night. Our weekly Scripture studies began the very next week. We are now renting a space in “The Commons Theatre & Studio” on College Street near the intersection with Bathurst Street. Please pray for a great relationship with our hosts, and good recognition in the community.
Please also continue to pray for the family affected by addiction that we have been coming to our meetings.
May God continue to break chains of addiction and anxiety in their lives.
– Olivia & David
Scripture: Matthew 28:16-20
Sermon: “Commissioned”
Pastor Axel Kazadi
The Next Week at MWMC
Youth Fellowship
Sun Sept 1
Labor Day (Church Office Closed)
Mon Sept 2
Tai Chi Group
Tue Sept 3
Trustees Meeting
Tue Sept 3
Line Dancing Class
Tue Sept 3
Reach Youth
Wed Sept 4
Cantata Listening Party
Wed Sept 4
Time to Pray
Wed Sept 4
Language Learning Class
Thr Sept 5
Stretch Class
Fri Sept 6
First Friday Prayer Vigil
Fri Sept 6
Sunday School Classes
Sun Sept 8
Morning Worship Service
Sun Sept 8
Sunrise Nursing Home Service
Sun Sept 8
Last Sunday Statistics
Attendance: 189
Offering Total: $6,370
About Milliken Church
Milliken Church is part of The Wesleyan Church; an evangelical, holiness group within the Methodist Christian family of denominations. To learn more, visit our website or speak with our pastor.
Mission Statement
Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church is a welcoming community that values diversity. We strive to honour God, confessing Jesus is Lord, through various forms of praise and worship, thoughtful teaching, opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, compassionate outreach and service.
Contact Us
Visit our contact page for more information and ways to get in touch with us!