July 7, 2018
Season of Pentecost
During these weeks the Church around the world celebrates the presence and work of the Holy Spirit in our midst. He draws us in faith and transforms us to become more like Jesus Christ. May you sense the Spirit’s work in and around you as we worship God today.
Call to Worship
“Taste & See”
Music Worship Team
Responsive Invocation
Songs of Praise
“Church on Fire”
“Spirit of the Living God”
Gospel Reading
Luke 8:19-21
Hymn of Response #476
“More Love to Thee, O Christ”
Time of Prayer
“He Is Here”
EPIC Moments
Song of Praise
“Gloria Patri”
Time of Greeting
“Make Us One”
Announcements & Offertory Prayer
New Testament Reading
Jude 17-21
“But You…”
Time of Response
Closing Hymn
“The Vigilance Our Lord Demands”
“Let It Rise”
Music Worship Team
Sunrise Service Today we will make our monthly journey to serve at the local nursing home. We invite you to come along, sing and express kindness to the residents with us. Speak with Chris Lai today to learn how you can participate.
Summer Prayer Walk Next Sunday we will make our annual journey through the immediate neighborhood to pray for, greet and invite any we may have the privilege to meet. Please plan to wear comfortable walking shoes to church on this great day of spiritual outreach.
Youth Spaghetti Lunch Fundraiser Our teens invite you to stay for lunch next Sunday (July 14th) and purchase lunch, which they will serve. All funds collected will help cover their costs for their attendance at the Wesleyan Youth Convention this December in Cincinnati.
Vacation Bible School 2019 will take place on the evenings of July 21st through 25th.Children ages 3 to 11 are encouraged to attend and bring friends. There will also be an enrichment class for parents each evening! This program will be a joint venture with the Tamil Christian Church. Register today at the Information Desk.
Missionaries Robin & Yoko White recently posted an update on their service in Nagoya, Japan…
Hello everyone!
Since our wedding at the end of April, we have spent a lot of time preparing for the soon-to-start season of partnership development. First we took time with our friends in Japan – especially our non-Christian friends who attended our wedding. It was the first Christian ceremony many of them had ever attended. They expressed surprise at how joyful and meaningful it was. A few even told how they were impacted by what was said about the love of God. We’re thankful that this became an opportunity to witness. We pray that our marriage will continue to show Jesus’ love!
Last month we visited Thailand, for a missionary conference. It was a great time of worship, learning, praying and fellowship. It also gave Yoko the opportunity to see the larger team that serves with us across East Asia.
Last week we flew back to North America for some meetings and training at the Global Partners office. And this week, we returned to New Brunswick where we will begin to visit churches and raise financial support for our next term of service in Nagoya.
We hope to connect with many of you in person over the next few months, and would appreciate your prayers through this transition.
Thank you for your support.
Blessings, Robin & Yoko
But You
Jude 17-21
The Next Week at MWMC
Sunrise Service
Sun July 7
Summer (Drop-In) Badminton
Mon July 8
Tai Chi Group
Tue July 9
Trustees Meeting
Tue July 9
Line Dance Class
Tue July 9
Traditional Chinese Dance Class
Wed July 10
Reach Youth
Wed July 10
Stretch Class
Fri July 12
Morning Worship
Sun July 14
Summer Prayer Walk
Sun July 14
Youth Spaghetti Lunch Fundraiser
Sun July 14
Church Board Meeting
Mon July 15
Last Sunday Statistics
Attendance: 111
Offering Total: $3,772
About Milliken Church
Milliken Church is part of The Wesleyan Church; an evangelical, holiness group within the Methodist Christian family of denominations. To learn more, visit our website or speak with our pastor.
Mission Statement
Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church is a welcoming community that values diversity. We strive to honour God, confessing Jesus is Lord, through various forms of praise and worship, thoughtful teaching, opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, compassionate outreach and service.
Contact Us
Visit our contact page for more information and ways to get in touch with us!