June 29, 2018
Season of Pentecost
During these weeks the Church around the world celebrates the presence and work of the Holy Spirit in our midst. He draws us in faith and transforms us to become more like Jesus Christ. May you sense the Spirit’s work in and around you as we worship God today.
Call to Worship
“Only By Grace”
Music Worship Team
Responsive Invocation
Psalm 77:11-20
Songs of Praise
“Great & Mighty Is He”
“My God is Awesome”
Gospel Reading
Luke 9:49-56
Song of Response
“Spirit of the Living God”
Time of Prayer
“Holy Spirit, Come to Us”
Hymn of Response
“O Canada”
“God Save the Queen”
EPIC Moments
Song of Praise
“Gloria Patri”
Time of Greeting
“Make Us One”
Announcements & Offertory Prayer
“How Great Is Our God”
Music Worship Team
New Testament Reading
Jude 5-10
Hymn of Preparation #486
“Open My Eyes That I May See”
Service of Holy Communion
Song During Communion
“Once Again”
“Great & Mighty Is He”
Music Worship Team
District Conference Update Printed updates and reports from our recent District Conference have been printed and can be picked up from the Information Desk. Please be sure to read the two reports from our Milliken Church delegates: Philip Farrell, Marjorie Stephenson, along with Pastors Axel & Cymone. They represented us well at this inspiring time of worship, training and business.
First Friday Prayer Vigil We invite you to pray for the several church plants in our province. Pick up a prayer slip from the back Sanctuary table today so that you will know how to pray more effectively. Thank you.
Summer Prayer Walk We will make our annual journey through the immediate neighborhood on Sunday, July 14th. Please plan to wear comfortable walking shoes to church on this great day of spiritual outreach.
Youth Fundraiser Dinner Our teens invite you to stay for lunch on Sunday, July 14th and purchase lunch. All funds will help cover their costs to attend the Wesleyan Youth Convention this December in Cincinnati.
Vacation Bible School 2019 will take place on the evenings of July 21st through 25th. Children ages 3 to 11 are encouraged to attend and bring friends. Our program will be a joint venture with the Tamil Christian Church. It will include a parent enrichment class during each session. Register today at the Information Desk.
Thunder Bay
Pastor Nathan Maskery wrote this week to share an update on the ministry of Transformation Wesleyan Church…
Dear Milliken Church Family,
Things are going great here in Thunder Bay. One of the things Jesus specifically told us to pray for was more workers. This is a prayer we have seen God answer. In the last two weeks, we have added two new people to our team. Shauna Grimwood graduated from Kingswood University in 2017 and has joined our team as the Youth & Children’s Minister. She has a passion to reach and disciple young people in their relationship with Christ.
Jeremy Darrow also recently joined us. He came to Thunder Bay with our launch team in the summer and fall of 2017. Last week, Jeremy he moved here and has already been out in the streets sharing the love of Jesus and praying with people!
One thing we need support with is our balcony. We are growing numerically and need to install a railing around the balcony so that it meets safety codes before we allow people to sit up there. We raised $15,000 and have ordered the plexiglass for installation. But now we need to hire a professional installation crew to do the job. This will require another $4,500. Please pray with us about this. And if you feel inspired – give!
We are excited to see God working in the lives of people He is drawing into our church. Thank you for your ongoing prayers and partnership!
Pastor Nathan Maskery
Jude 5-10
The Next Week at MWMC
Church Board Meeting
Sun June 30
Church Office Closed
Mon July 1
Tai Chi Group
Tue July 2
Church Board Meeting
Tue July 3
Traditional Chinese Dance Class
Wed July 3
Reach Youth
Wed July 3
HandChime Rehearsal
Thr July 4
Stretch Class
Fri July 5
“Into the Light” Book Discussion
Sun July 7
Morning Worship
Sun July 7
Sunrise Nursing Home Service
Sun July 7
Last Sunday Statistics
Attendance: 104
Offering Total: $6,245
Matagalpa Well Giving: $1,432
About Milliken Church
Milliken Church is part of The Wesleyan Church; an evangelical, holiness group within the Methodist Christian family of denominations. To learn more, visit our website or speak with our pastor.
Mission Statement
Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church is a welcoming community that values diversity. We strive to honour God, confessing Jesus is Lord, through various forms of praise and worship, thoughtful teaching, opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, compassionate outreach and service.
Contact Us
Visit our contact page for more information and ways to get in touch with us!