March 3, 2018
Transfiguration Sunday
Jesus revealed His glory when He was transfigured alongside Moses and Elijah. His disciples were filled with wonder at this amazing vision. We also seek the transforming presence of Jesus in our midst. May you experience the wonder of Jesus’ glory as we worship today.
Call to Worship
“Shine On Us”
Milliken Church Choir
Responsive Invocation
based on Psalm 99
Songs of Praise
“Great & Mighty Is He”
“Open Up the Heavens”
“All Heaven Declares”
Hymn of Worship #468
“Be Thou My Vision”
Gospel Reading
Luke 9:28-36
Song of Response
“Love Came Down”
Time of Prayer
“Holy Ground”
EPIC Moments
Gloria Patri
Time of Greeting
“Make Us One”
Announcements & Offering Prayer
“In the Sanctuary”
Milliken Church Choir with Axel Kazadi
New Testament Reading
1st Corinthians 16
Time of Response
“Find Us Faithful”
“O the Glory of Your Presence”
Closing Hymn #87
“Leaning on The Everlasting Arms”
Choral Benediction
“May the Grace of the Lord”
“Great & Mighty Is He”
Music Worship Team
Our Sympathy extends to the families of Eloise Millington & Evan Hamlet, who passed into eternal life last Monday. Both were loved members of our congregation for many years. The families thank you for your expressions of love and concern during the past week. Our Sympathy also extends to Michelle Villanueva at the death of her father, Edgar deGuzman, last Sunday evening. Let us continue to pray for all who are grieving in our community.
Birds of a Feather Badminton Club It is not too late to join the fun here on Monday nights at 6:30pm. Speak with Phil Farrell to learn how you can participate in this sports outreach ministry.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper will take place this Tuesday at 5:30pm in the gym. This preparation for Lent, will include food, fun, fellowship and a devotional thought. Come hungry! Bring your favorite pancake toppings to use and to share! Speak with one of our staff members to learn more.
Ash Wednesday Worship will take place at 7:15pm this Wednesday in the Sanctuary. This will be the first of our weekly Lenten Services. Draw near as we seek God’s grace through the Spiritual Disciplines. A complete listing of our Lenten Services can be picked up from the Information Desk today.
Missionaries Ryan & Sarah Schmitz serve as Global Partners in Matagalpa, Nicaragua. They wrote recently with an update…
Dear Milliken Friends,
Last month began a new school year here in Nicaragua. Just before it began, our teachers attended a retreat sponsored by the NiCE Foundation, which provides meal packets for students in extreme poverty. This teachers’ retreat was most encouraging to our teachers, who face many draining circumstances. We are excited about how many students will experience the loving care of Jesus through these teachers.
Last week, we hosted a mission team from Trenton, Ontario. They were a great blessing to our Las Colinas School here in Matagalpa.
We also received permission from the Nicaragua Ministry of Education to form a secondary (high) school next year! This is a great answer to prayer! Please continue to pray for us as we hope for renewed residency visas from Immigration Ministry. There are high political tensions at work in the government.
Also, Nicaragua is facing a new set of economic sanctions by several nations in the region. This will create additional hardship. Thank you for your engagement and investment in us and in our fellow Wesleyan Christians here.
– Ryan, Sarah, Micah, Eva, Abel & Esme Schmitz
Scripture: 1st Corinthians 16
Title: “Connected”
The Next Week at MWMC
Choir Rehearsal
Sun Mar 3
Sunrise Worship Service
Sun Mar 3
Hand Chime Rehearsal
Mon Mar 4
Reading Music Class
Mon Mar 4
Badminton Club
Mon Mar 4
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Tue Mar 5
Line Dance Class
Tue Mar 5
Reach Youth
Wed Mar 6
Ash Wednesday Worship
Wed Mar 6
Sunday School
Sun Mar 10
Lenten Morning Worship Service
Sun Mar 10
Last Sunday Statistics
Attendance: 125
Offering Total: $7,131
About Milliken Church
Milliken Church is part of The Wesleyan Church; an evangelical, holiness group within the Methodist Christian family of denominations. To learn more, visit our website or speak with our pastor.
Mission Statement
Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church is a welcoming community that values diversity. We strive to honour God, confessing Jesus is Lord, through various forms of praise and worship, thoughtful teaching, opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, compassionate outreach and service.
Contact Us
Visit our contact page for more information and ways to get in touch with us!