December 30, 2018
Christmas Sunday
God has kept His promise to send a Savior to earth. All creation stands in wonder that the Lord has incarnated Himself in human form. God identifies with us now, in every form vulnerability and struggle. Let the world rejoice and be glad. We pray that you will experience the wonder of God’s presence, in Jesus, as we worship today.
Call to Worship
“Come Let Us Worship & Bow Down”
“A Nativity Prayer”
Responsive Invocation
based on Proverbs 30:5-9
Opening Hymn #177
“Good Christian Men, Rejoice”
Songs of Praise
“The Virgin Mother Had a Baby Boy”
“Beautiful One”
“Love Came Down”
Old Testament Reading
Deuteronomy 8:1-18
Time of Prayer
“He Is Here”
Wesleyan Kids for Missions Moment
Time of Greeting
Announcements & Offering Prayer
“Jesus Comes to Earth”
Vishal Khokher, Tenor
Gospel Reading
John 6:41-59
“The Bread of Life”
Sacrament of Holy Communion
Song During Communion
“Bread of Life”
Closing Hymn #199
“Redeeming Love”
“Beautiful One”
Music Worship Team
2019 Giving Envelopes have been prepared for those who continue to use this annual resource. If you would like to begin using this method of giving, please speak with Sathi Selliah or Pat Pitre today.
Happy Birthday Pastor Taylor! Tomorrow Brother Ira Taylor will reach his 97th birthday. If you would like to express your greetings and well wishes, we invite you to sign the birthday card for him on the Information Desk at the back of the Sanctuary. We thank God for his presence among us.
Sunday School Begins Next Sunday all regular Sunday School classes will resume at 9:30am. Also, the first session of a special Sunday School class will also be held. “Sharing Your Faith Outside of Church” will host monthly sessions, led by someone who has made a lifestyle pattern of sharing their faith with neighbors, coworkers and friends. Next Sunday’s session will feature David & Karen Heska. They will describe how they have given their testimony in their Hamilton neighborhood, and even in their days as missionaries in South Sudan. Karen grew up here at Milliken church during the late 1990s.
Stretch Class is a new outreach ministry that will begin on Friday, January 11th. It will begin at 10am each Friday in the Fellowship Room. This group will help attendees engage in stretching exercises that increase flexibility and strengthen muscles for good health. Speak with Pastor Cymone to learn more.
A December Focus
During these final weeks of this calendar year, Milliken Church wishes to express God’s care for vulnerable children – both locally and globally. Please consider a donation toward these causes:
The Markham Pregnancy Centre is hosting its annual Hearts & Hands Fundraising Drive. This local Christian agency provides counseling, medical advice, and baby supplies so that giving birth becomes a real option for those advised otherwise. To date, we have received $423 for this local ministry. To give toward this project, place your gift in an envelope, mark it “MPC.” Place it in the collection plates during the offering. Thank you for your generosity to preserve the lives of soon-to-be-born children here in Markham.
The Alpha Project operates as an outreach ministry of the Kamakwie Wesleyan Hospital in Sierra Leone. To date, we have received $1,835 for this rescue and nutrition training program. Praise the Lord! We also invite you to pick up the printed report of this project’s recent assessment. It can be found at the Information Desk. Thank you for your gifts and prayers on behalf of this life-preserving ministry.
Scripture: John 6:35-51
Title: “The Bread of Life”
Speaker: Pastor Axel Kazadi
The Next Week at MWMC
Choir Rehearsal
Sun Dec 30
HandChimes Rehearsal
Mon Dec 31
New Years Day (Office Closed)
Tue Jan 1
Beginner HandChime Rehearsal
Wed Jan 2
Time to Pray
Wed Jan 2
Nominating Committee Meeting
Sat Jan 5
Sunday School
Sun Jan 6
Wesley Covenant Renewal Service
Sun Jan 6
Last Sunday Statistics
Attendance: 152
Offering Total: $7,255
About Milliken Church
Milliken Church is part of The Wesleyan Church; an evangelical, holiness group within the Methodist Christian family of denominations. To learn more, visit our website or speak with our pastor.
Mission Statement
Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church is a welcoming community that values diversity. We strive to honour God, confessing Jesus is Lord, through various forms of praise and worship, thoughtful teaching, opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, compassionate outreach and service.
Contact Us
Visit our contact page for more information and ways to get in touch with us!