October 21, 2018
During these weeks the Church around the world seeks God’s glory and powerful presence to renew the earth. The color green on our altar table reminds us that Christ’s Kingdom continues to grow. We pray that you will choose to enter His blessed Kingdom as you worship with us.
Welcome & Announcements
Call to Worship
“Jesus Is Calling”
Brass Quartet
Responsive Invocation
based on Colossians 3:12-13
Opening Hymn #585
“Only Believe”
Songs of Praise
“All Thins Are Possible”
“Trading My Sorrows”
“Lion & The Lamb”
E.P.I.C. Moments
Genesis 32 & 33
Time of Greeting
“Make Us One”
Offering & Offertory
“Since I Have Been Redeemed”
Brass Quartet
Gospel Reading
John 8:21-47
Time of Response
“Break Every Chain”
Closing Hymn (insert)
“Glorious Freedom”
“Leaning on the Everlasting Arms”
Brass Quartet
Candy Packing Today after the Morning Worship Service, we hope to pack several candy bags as we prepare for the Halloween Supercharged Event. If you could stay and help with this project, speak with Pastor Cymone this morning. Thank you.
Men’s Breakfast will take place this Saturday morning at 8:30am. Men of all ages are invited to join us as we consider the Background Brothers whose made a quite but powerful difference in the growth of the early church. Bring a friend to this inspiring time of fellowship and learning.
38th Anniversary Worship & Potluck Lunch will take place next Sunday, October 28th. See the insert in today’s bulletin to learn more. We anticipate a great day of celebration and sharing.
Halloween Supercharged will take place here in our church parking lot and gym on Halloween night (October 31st) from 5pm until 8pm. Thank you, in advance, for making a candy donation for this outreach ministry. A few more volunteers are needed to assist with this carnival-style event. Speak with Pastor Cymone today to learn how you can help.
Christmas Cards will soon be available for purchase from Gloria Pickersgill. She will sell various cards in packages of 5 (with envelopes) for $10 per package. Plan now to support this fundraiser project as you prepare for the holidays. For more information you may contact Gloria at 416-529-6376 or plummy33@hotmail.com
Matagalpa, Nicaragua
Missionaries Ryan & Sarah Schmitz serve as Global Partners in Matagalpa. They wrote this week with another update…
Dear Milliken Church Family,
Torrential rains have pounded Nicaragua this week, flooding communities and sending thousands out of their ruined homes. Four of our churches (Los Laureles, Cristo Rey, San Juan de la Pliwood and Tierra Prometida) opened their doors and are serving as shelters for their communities. These churches have concrete floors because teams from North America have come during recent years, and poured each one!
How could we have known that these acts of service would create safe space for hundreds of people during this season of disaster? We are thankful to be working alongside pastors and lay-leaders who love their neighbours, even as they themselves are suffering. It is an incredible testimony to God’s faithfulness, grace and strength at work. He calls and sustains His servant leaders.
Generous donations from the Nicaragua Compassion Fund, and the NiCE Foundation – which you have packaged meals with – have delivered pounds of food, as well as boxes of clothes, bedding, baby layettes and other supplies that have become desperately needed. Our Nicaraguan church feels very supported, as does our family.
Continue to pray for Nicaragua as more rain is expected this week, and there is a lack of potable water. The country is also in its sixth month of daily protests, arrests, boycotts, strikes, job losses, social unrest, and tragic deaths. Pray for the safety of our family as we minister and travel between cities. Your encouraging messages, and prayers continue to move the mission forward. Thank you.
– Ryan, Sarah, Micah, Eva, Abel & Esme Schmitz
Scripture: John 8:21-37
Title: “Free”
Speaker: Pastor Pryor
The Next Week at MWMC
Choir Rehearsal
Sun Oct 21
Candy Packing
Sun Oct 21
Church Board Meeting
Sun Oct 21
Intermediate HandChimes Rehearsal
Mon Oct 22
Tai Chi Group
Tue Oct 23
Fall Line Dance Class for Beginners
Tue Oct 23
Ladies Fall Bible Study
Tue Oct 23
Reach Youth
Wed Oct 24
Beginner HandChimes Rehearsal
Wed Oct 24
Time to Pray Group
Wed Oct 24
Young Adult Fellowship
Fri Oct 26
Men’s Breakfast
Sat Oct 27
Sunday School Classes
Sun Oct 28
38th Anniversary Worship Service
Sun Oct 28
Anniversary Potluck Luncheon
Sun Oct 28
Last Sunday Statistics
Attendance: 156
Offering Total: $4,256
About Milliken Church
Milliken Church is part of The Wesleyan Church; an evangelical, holiness group within the Methodist Christian family of denominations. To learn more, visit our website or speak with our pastor.
Mission Statement
Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church is a welcoming community that values diversity. We strive to honour God, confessing Jesus is Lord, through various forms of praise and worship, thoughtful teaching, opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, compassionate outreach and service.
Contact Us
Visit our contact page for more information and ways to get in touch with us!