June 17, 2018
Season of Pentecost
During these weeks the Church around the world celebrates the presence and work of the Holy Spirit in our midst. He draws us in faith and transforms to become more like Jesus Christ. May you sense the Spirit’s work in and around you as we worship God today.
Call to Worship
“Every Praise”
Milliken Ladies Chorus
Responsive Invocation
Opening Hymn #631
“I Know Whom I Have Believed”
Songs of Praise
“Better Than Life”
“My Life Is In You, Lord”
“Every Move I Make”
Gospel Reading
Luke 12:13-20
Song of Response
“More Precious than Silver”
Children’s Scripture Moment
Genesis 18:1-10a
Offering & Offertory
“Lord, Most High”
Milliken Ladies Chorus
Time of Greeting
“Make Us One”
New Testament Reading
James 4:13-5:6
“Men of Will & Wealth”
Time of Responsive Worship
“Nothing I Hold On To”
“Have Your Way”
Time of Prayer
Closing Hymn #398
“Rise Up, O Men of God”
“Better Than Life”
Music Worship Team
Father’s Day Barbecue will begin immediately following today’s worship service. We invite you to stay and enjoy the great food and fellowship. Please say a word of thanks to the men who are serving as our grillers, and to the Social Committee for organizing the food and set-up.
Our Sympathy extends to the family of Catherine Williams, who passed away last Tuesday evening after several months of physical struggle. Visitation will take place Wednesday morning, here at Milliken Church beginning at 11am. The Funeral will begin at noon. Please continue to pray for the family as they walk through these days of grieving and loss.
District Celebration Service All Wesleyans are invited to the annual district worship service this Friday evening at the Centennial Road Church in Brockville at 7pm. The speaker will be Dr. Stephen Elliott, professor of theology and spiritual formation at Kingswood University. Come be inspired through the music and testimonies at this great gathering.
Special Notice Please note that our Church Office will be closed this Thursday and Friday because of the District Conference in Brockville. Thank you.
Ryerson University
Evangelist Jessica Barnett serves with Power to Change Ministries here in Toronto at Ryerson University. This week she wrote with another ministry update…
Dear Milliken Church Friends, What a blessing it is to know that you are remembering us in prayer. The energy and spiritual passion of our students remains strong. Several of them just returned this week from six-week mission projects in three different countries. We are eager to see how these experiences have shaped them – and will shape their ministry here on campus.
My husband, Henry, recently finished his ministry internship with our Ryerson U Team. Now he is praying about starting a Power to Change group at the University of Toronto – Scarborough campus. Please pray for him as he considers this calling. It will require him to raise more financial support to fund its start-up.
During the remaining months of my maternity leave, I am also continuing my studies. When completed, this training will certify me as a biblical counselor. When you are involved in university based ministry, learning never stops!
Thank you again for your encouragement and prayers. May the Lord bless your outreach ministry too!
Scripture: James 4:13-5:6
Title: “Men of Will & Wealth”
Speaker: Pastor Pryor
The Next Week at MWMC
Father’s Day Barbecue
Sun June 17
HandChime Ensemble
Mon June 18
Church Board Meeting
Tue June 19
Tai Chi Group
Tue June 19
Catherine Williams Visitation
Wed June 20
Catherine Williams Funeral
Wed June 20
Reach Youth
Wed June 20
Time to Pray Group
Wed June 20
District Conference (thru Saturday)
Thr June 21
District Worship Service (in Brockville)
Fri Jun 22
Worship & Communion Service
Sun Jun 24
Vital Statistics
Attendance: 138
Offering Total: $3,629
About Milliken Church
Milliken Church is part of The Wesleyan Church; an evangelical, holiness group within the Methodist Christian family of denominations. To learn more, visit our website or speak with our pastor.
Mission Statement
Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church is a welcoming community that values diversity. We strive to honour God, confessing Jesus is Lord, through various forms of praise and worship, thoughtful teaching, opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, compassionate outreach and service.
Contact Us
Visit our contact page for more information and ways to get in touch with us!