May 13, 2018
Season of Easter
Christians around the world celebrate this season of new life and joy. Jesus has risen and continues to appear to many in our world today. We hope that you will experience the joy and power of the Living Lord as you worship with us this morning.
Call to Worship
Alive, Alive”
Responsive Invocation from Psalm 1
Opening Hymn #21
“Love Divine, All Loves Excelling”
Songs of Praise
“Hallowed By Thy Name”
“Our God is Awesome”
Gospel Reading
John 17:6-19
Children’s Presentation
Time of Prayer & Blessing
“Go Carry Thy Burden to Jesus”
“Wondrous Grace”
Time of Greeting
“Make Us One”
New Testament Reading
James 2:14-26
“Faith + Works”
Time of Response
“Rule of Life”
Closing Hymn (Insert)
“Rise Up, O Church of God”
“Only King Forever”
Sunrise Nursing Home Service will take place today at 1:30pm. We invite you to join us and share the love of Christ with those living in this local facility. Speak with Chris Lai today to learn more.
A Ladies Tea will begin this Saturday afternoon at 1pm. You will not want to miss this grand event for Mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, nieces, and grands! Tickets are $20 per person for the luncheon and program. Purchase your tickets today in the foyer. Mothers Day Cards can be purchase ordered today for $5 each. Glorial Piockersgill is the creator/artist of the cards. This fundraiser will benefit our youth ministry program. Please speak with Gloria to learn more.
Save the Date The annual Best Years Fellowship Bus Trip has been scheduled for Monday, June 11th. This years trip includes boat cruise and lunch on Lake Muskoka. Tickets will be $112 per person and go on sale soon.
Thunder Bay
Pastor Nathan Maskery leads the leadership team at Transformation (Wesleyan) Church in Thunder Bay. He recently sent an update:
Dear Milliken Church Family,
We have been building a relationship with people in the First Nations community of Marten Falls, which is about 400 kilometers northeast of us—in remote northern Ontario! I had the privilege of visiting there recently. My friend and I arrived (by plane) just days after a member of the community had been murdered. The people were holding a Memorial Service, and our host, Deon Peters, had been praying for God to use him to reach his fellow villagers for Jesus even in their time of loss and sadness.
We had an incredible visit and felt like our timing was a divine appointment. After we returned home to Thunder Bay, Deon wrote to tell us that he felt like something physically lifted off from him during our time together and now he has a joy and freedom in his relationship with Christ that he did not feel before. What a testimony to the importance of fellowship and prayer together.
Later this month, we will make a second trip to Marten Falls. Please pray for this visit. We will be ministering to others through personal counseling and prayer. This will be a great opportunity for us to share the Gospel. We hope to take them some Alpha study materials that they can use to begin a group for people who want to learn about the spiritual hope and truth that Christianity has to offer!
Please pray for our friend and fellow Christian, Deon, as he invites others to join Him on his spiritual journey! And if the Lord prompts you to give toward this ministry, we would be helped and honored by the support. Let me also invite you to consider joining a mission trip visit to Marten Lake later this summer! We want to take a team of volunteers to this place in mid-August and bless the community in some meaningful ways. Will send more details about that soon! It is a unique privilege to be one of the only Christian groups given an official invitation to visit. May God help us to steward this well.
May the peace of Christ reign in your hearts,
Pastor Nathan
Scripture: James 2:14-26
Title: “Faith + Works”
Speaker: Pastor George Pryor
The Next Week at MWMC
Farewell Reception for Hyesung Kim
Sun May 13
Tai Chi for Beginners
Tue May 15
Best Years Fellowship
Tue May 15
Ladies Evening Bible Study
Tue May 15
Reach Youth
Wed May 16
Time to Pray
Wed May 16
Ladies Morning Bible Study
Thr May 17
Sunday School
Sun May 20
Morning Worship
Sun May 20
Vital Statistics
Attendance: 141
Offering Total: $6,102
About Milliken Church
Milliken Church is part of The Wesleyan Church; an evangelical, holiness group within the Methodist Christian family of denominations. To learn more, visit our website or speak with our pastor.
Mission Statement
Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church is a welcoming community that values diversity. We strive to honour God, confessing Jesus is Lord, through various forms of praise and worship, thoughtful teaching, opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, compassionate outreach and service.
Contact Us
Visit our contact page for more information and ways to get in touch with us!