April 1, 2018
Easter Day
Let the earth rejoice! Jesus is alive forevermore. The power of sin and death is broken! The Church around the world affirms that all things which have been lost, damaged, or corrupted can be made new again. We anticipate that you will experience the life-changing power of Jesus as you encounter Him in worship today.
Call to Worship
“Let All the World Sing”
Words of Invocation
Opening Hymn
“Crown Him with Many Crowns” (vs.1,3,4)
“Worthy Is The Lamb”
Songs of Praise
“Alive, Alive”
“Halle, Halle, Halle”
“He Is Lord”
“Hands in the Air”
Choir & Ladies Trio
Children’s Moment
“I Was There”
Choir & Soloists Estherlita Griffiths, Mark Thompson & Norma Ashley
“I Love You”
Karl Ross, Tenor Soloist & Choir
Time of Prayer
Announcements & Offering
“He Who Was Dead”
Time of Greeting
“Make Us One”
“Where the Nails Were”
Gloria Pickersgill, Alto Soloist & Choir
“The Tomb Is Empty Now”
Linda Pryor, Soprano Soloist & Choir
John 20:1-18
Pastor Pryor
“Revive Us Again”
Closing Hymn #299
“He Lives”
“Let All the World Sing (Reprise)”
Thank You to everyone who attended our Maundy Thursday & Good Friday Worship Services this past week. Powerful words and music helped us to complete our journey of drawing close to Christ during the season of Lent.
Your Prayer Concern If you have a prayer concern, we invite you to share it by writing it on an information card from the pew rack in front of you. Place this in the collection plate during our offering. All concerns will be remembered by our Prayer Team during the weeks to come.
Easter Monday Visitation Tomorrow morning we will visit some of our Homebound Members to share Easter greetings and pray with them. Speak with Stephen Rollins today if you would like to participate.
Wedding Ceremony Invitation You are cordially invited to attend the Wedding of Cassandra Arcentales & Daniel D’Cruz on Saturday, April 14th at 2pm here in at Milliken Church. The couple appreciate the many ways you have blessed their lives over the years and want you to share in their sacred commitment before the Lord and their families.
The Next Week at MWMC
Easter Monday (Office Closed)
Mon Apr 2
Easter Visitation Ministry
Mon Apr 2
Tai Chi for Beginners
Tue Apr 3
Reach Youth Sun
Wed Apr 4
Sunday School
Apr 8
Morning Worship Service
Sun Apr 8
Vital Statistics
Attendance: 152
Offering Total: $5,823
About Milliken Church
Milliken Church is part of The Wesleyan Church; an evangelical, holiness group within the Methodist Christian family of denominations. To learn more, visit our website or speak with our pastor.
Mission Statement
Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church is a welcoming community that values diversity. We strive to honour God, confessing Jesus is Lord, through various forms of praise and worship, thoughtful teaching, opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, compassionate outreach and service.
Contact Us
Visit our contact page for more information and ways to get in touch with us!