MWMC This Week – January 28, 2018

MWMC This Week – January 28, 2018

January 28, 2018


Jesus has appeared on earth! The Church around the world celebrates the God “who we have seen, whom our hands have touched.” May you experience the presence of Jesus today as we worship.

Call to Worship
“Good Good Father”
Responsive Gospel Invocation
Psalm 32
Opening Hymn #394
“Rejoice Ye Pure in Heart”
Songs of Praise
“I’m So Glad”
“Oh Give Thanks Unto the Lord”
“When I Think About the Lord”
New Testament Reading
2nd Corinthians 5:16-21
Song of Response
“Broken Vessels”
Children’s Moment
“My Tribute”
Robert Hughes & Stephen Southwell
Time of Greeting
Gospel Reading
Luke 15:11-32
“The Pain of Reconciliation”
Time of Response
“I”m Forever Grateful”
Service of Holy Communion
Communion Song
“Draw Me Close”
Closing Hymn (insert)
“This Is a Day of New Beginnings”
“I’m So Glad”

Sierra Leone

Evangelist Jessica Barnett serves with the Power to Change Ministry team on the campus of Ryerson in downtown Toronto. This week she wrote with an exciting update.

Dear Milliken Church Family, Students returned to school two weeks ago and our work is starting to kick off again. However, this time without me for a little while, because I have given birth to our daughter, Jaelle. By God’s grace everything went smoothly. Thank you for your prayers during these challenging months. Henry and I are very grateful.

While I take several months of maternity leave, Henry is continuing the ministry on campus. This semester our ministry staff are considering a change of focus for the work here at Ryerson. We are seeking wisdom and discernment about turning all of the bible study groups over to the student leaders, and focusing exclusively on evangelism and discipleship across the campus. We are also giving our students the opportunity to consider a summer mission trip. They have the option of visiting Peru, Denmark, or Morocco. Pray with us that our students will listen for God’s calling …and take a step of faith to go on mission! After last month’s Mission Conference many are seriously contemplating this call. Their deadline to decide and apply is January 31st.

God bless you all for your continuing interest and support.

In Christ, Jessica

David & Olivia Phillips are grateful for prayer and financial commitments already made by several members of Milliken Church toward their vision of a new outreach ministry and Wesleyan Church plant in Toronto. Additional support would be welcomed. If you would like to give regularly toward this endeavor, through the church, please fill out an information card from the pew rack in front if you; with your name and the words “Toronto Church Plant.” Place this in the collection plate during our offering. Thank you.

Our Sympathy extends to Marlon Galita and his family in the death of his father, Reuben Galita, last Tuesday. Reuben lived in Chatham, Ontario, where the family has now gathered for his final arrangements, taking place today and tomorrow. Please remember the family in your prayers.

Wesleyan Life The winter issue of our denominational periodical has arrived. Pick up your copy today from the table in the foyer. See how God is at work all across the continent.

The Next Week at MWMC


Choir Rehearsal
Sun Jan 28

Hand Chime Ensemble
Mon Jan 29

Tai Chi for Beginners
Tue Jan 30

Reach Youth
Wed Jan 31

Time to Pray
Wed Jan 31

First Friday Prayer Vigil
Fri Feb 2

Sunday School
Sun Feb 4

Morning Worship Service
Sun Feb 4

Vital Statistics

Attendance: 154
Offering Total: $9,027

About Milliken Church

Milliken Church is part of The Wesleyan Church; an evangelical, holiness group within the Methodist Christian family of denominations. To learn more, visit our website or speak with our pastor.

Mission Statement

Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church is a welcoming community that values diversity. We strive to honour God, confessing Jesus is Lord, through various forms of praise and worship, thoughtful teaching, opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, compassionate outreach and service.

Contact Us

Visit our contact page for more information and ways to get in touch with us!