January 14, 2018
Jesus has appeared on earth! The Church around the world celebrates the God “who we have seen, whom our hands have touched.” May you experience the presence of Jesus today as we worship.
Call to Worship
“I Love You Lord, Today”
Responsive Gospel Invocation
based on John 1:43-51
Opening Hymn #221
“No, Not One!”
Songs of Praise
“Friend of God”
“I Walk By Faith”
“My God is Awesome”
New Testament Reading
James 1:12-18
Song of Response
“Whom Shall I Fear”
Children’s Moment
“All Your Anxiety”
Time of Greeting
Old Testament Reading
Job 2:1-10
“No Cause for Cursing”
Time of Prayer
“I Will Trust”
Closing Hymn #75
“My Faith Has Found a Resting Place”
“I Walk By Faith
Missionaries Ryan & Sarah serve as Global Partners missionaries in Nicaragua. They recently wrote an update on the mission there…
Dear Milliken Church Family, Hola! How are you? We pray you are well. After nearly six years in Managua (the capital city), our family is moving to the interior city of Matagalpa! As you know, this city in the north of the country is nestled between mountains and surrounded by coffee plantations and processing plants. Our new assignment there will be three-fold”
(1) Christian Community Development alongside the Las Colinas Primary School. One of these projects will include expanding the garden project, and English language club, a theatre program, and hosting their extended library hours so that students will have a safe place to study and receive tutoring.
(2) Expanding the school to include high school grade levels. We are passionate about providing more opportunities for these students to be invested in spiritual and academic opportunity. This will empower them to attend university and break the cycles of poverty that limit so many.
(3) Church Planting – we will work to gather a team of Nicaraguan leaders to plant a missional church movement in the centre of the city of Matagalpa. This group will work to plant additional church groups in the region. Please pray for our family as we make this move. We are excited to have the opportunity to pioneer ministries and expand existing ones.
God has set our hearts on fire to reach new places, and He has given us fresh energy to tackle the many challenges. May God also give you fire and energy to do His great work in the new year ahead!
– Ryan, Sarah, Micah, Eva, Abel & Esme Schmitz
Best Years Fellowship will meet this Tuesday (January 16th) at 10:30am. Our guest presenter will be Constable Bussie Wood, the Community Services/Senior Safety Officer with the York Region Police. Officer Wood will share public safety tips for seniors. Join us and stay for the potluck lunch following the presentation.
Hagerman Corners Community Housing will hold its Annual Meeting this Thursday (January 18th) at 7pm. One Milliken Church volunteer is needed to attend. Please speak with Chris Lai or Pastor Pryor if you could help in this one-time way.
2018 Offering Envelopes Those who use this method of giving are invited to pick up their boxed envelope sets from the back Sanctuary table. If you would like to begin using this method, please speak with Sathi Selliah or Pat Pitre today.
The Next Week at MWMC
Choir Rehearsal
Sun Jan 14
Nominating Committee Meeting
Mon Jan 15
Best Years Fellowship
Tue Jan 16
Tai Chi for Beginners
Tue Jan 16
Reach Youth
Wed Jan 17
Time to Pray
Wed Jan 17
Sunday School
Sun Jan 21
Morning Worship Service
Sun Jan 21
Vital Statistics
Attendance: 117
Offering Total: $4,134
About Milliken Church
Milliken Church is part of The Wesleyan Church; an evangelical, holiness group within the Methodist Christian family of denominations. To learn more, visit our website or speak with our pastor.
Mission Statement
Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church is a welcoming community that values diversity. We strive to honour God, confessing Jesus is Lord, through various forms of praise and worship, thoughtful teaching, opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, compassionate outreach and service.
Contact Us
Visit our contact page for more information and ways to get in touch with us!