November 5, 2017
Season of Kingdomtide
During these weeks the Church around the world seeks God’s glory and powerful presence to renew the earth. The color green on our altar table reminds us that Christ’s Kingdom continues to grow. We pray that you will choose to enter His blessing Kingdom as we worship Him together.
Opening Moment of Silence (for Armistice Day)
Call to Worship
“Awesome Is the Lord Most High”
Responsive Invocation #583
“God’s Power in Our Weakness”
Opening Hymn #338
“We Sing the Greatness of Our God”
Songs of Praise
“Awesome God”
“Great and Mighty Is He”
“How Great Is Our God”
New Testament Reading
Revelation 3:7-13
Song of Response
“Nothing Can Trouble”
Children’s Moment
“Open Up the Heavens”
Time of Greeting
“Make Us One”
Old Testament Reading
Psalm 48
“Great is the Lord”
Pastor Ashley Tu
Time of Prayer
“Great Is the Lord”
Closing Hymn #550
“Come, We that Love the Lord”
“Open Up the Heavens”
The Czech Republic
Missionaries Luke & Megan Adams serve with Global Partners in The Czech Republic. They recently wrote with an update on the work…
Dear Friends, After a lengthy evaluation of our funding situation, the leadership of Global Partners decided that it would be best for us to return to North America and raise additional financial support. Our support level has failed to remain at the sustainable level needed for our current (and next) term of service. After much thought and prayer, we have decided to decline this option and conclude our service with Global Partners.
If we had continued, we would be required to take our boys out of school, and spend the next year traveling “on the road.” We don’t think this would be wise for our children at this time. It has been a privilege and honour to serve in the Czech Republic and take part in the ministry here. But at the end of 2017, we will return to Canada and begin the debriefing process. This will continue for six weeks, into mid-February. Your ongoing support and prayers as we make this transition back will be a huge help and blessing.
As we look back over the past two years, we can’t say thank you enough for making our missionary service possible. While the experience hasn’t been easy, the great times have more than made up for the hard times. We wouldn’t trade these past few years for anything. We have seen people come to Christ, and we have seen lives changed through God’s power.
We will continue to be in touch through our regular newsletters over the next three months. In each update, we will share some of the great things that have recently been happening here, including the stories of a couple of new Christians and some recent baptisms.
Thank you, again, for being a blessing to us. We also pray for God’s blessings to be on you.
– Luke & Megan, Cole, Jensen and Lucy
Welcome! This morning we welcome Pastor Ashley Tu (and her husband, Peter) as our guest preacher. Sister Tu is the current pastor of the Ottawa Mandarin Wesleyan Church. As a first generation immigrant, the couple have given great nurture to fellow Mandarin speaking people here in our province. We look forward to all that she will share.
Service of Prayer for the Persecuted Church will take place tonight at 6:30pm. Join us for this powerful time of videos, music and prayer. Learn how the Lord intervenes in the lives of fellows believers who suffer because of their faith in Christ.
Discipleship Cruise Next May our denomination invites all interested persons to join them on a ship that will stop in Cuba and the Bahamas. See the flyer on the back Sanctuary table to learn more about this unique opportunity for a spiritually enriching vacation.
Best Years Fellowship will meet on Tuesday, November 21st at 10:30am. Reserve space on your calendar for this special Holiday Music session of our monthly gathering. We will also share our monthly potluck lunch.
The Annual Christmas Banquet will take place on Saturday, December 2nd. Visit the table in the foyer to learn more or to purchase your tickets today.
The Next Week at MWMC
Choir Rehearsal
Sun Nov 12
Church Board Meeting
Sun Nov 12
Service of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
Sun Nov 12
Music Reading Class
Mon Nov 13
Tai Chi for Beginners
Tue Nov 14
Ladies Fall Bible Study
Tue Nov 14
Reach Youth
Wed Nov 15
Time to Pray
Wed Nov 15
Ladies Fall Bible Study
Thr Nov 16
Cantata Rehearsal
Sat Nov 18
Sunday School
Sun Nov 19
Morning Worship Service
Sun Nov 19
Vital Statistics
Attendance: 147
Offering Total: $4,567
About Milliken Church
Milliken Church is part of The Wesleyan Church; an evangelical, holiness group within the Methodist Christian family of denominations. To learn more, visit our website or speak with our pastor.
Mission Statement
Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church is a welcoming community that values diversity. We strive to honour God, confessing Jesus is Lord, through various forms of praise and worship, thoughtful teaching, opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, compassionate outreach and service.
Contact Us
Visit our contact page for more information and ways to get in touch with us!