MWMC This Week – November 5, 2017

MWMC This Week – November 5, 2017

November 5, 2017

Season of Kingdomtide

During these weeks the Church around the world seeks God’s glory and powerful presence to renew the earth. The color green on our altar table reminds us that Christ’s Kingdom continues to grow. We pray that you will choose to enter His blessing Kingdom as we worship Him together.

Call to Worship
“Come Into His Presence”
Responsive Invocation #583
“God’s Power in Our Weakness”
Opening Hymn #585
“Only Believe”
Songs of Praise
“Your Grace Is Enough”
“Unto Thee, O Lord”
“Step By Step”
Gospel Reading
Matthew 6:5-13
Song of Response
“King of My Heart”
Time of Prayer
“He Is Here”
Children’s Moment
“I Have Decided/Christ is Enough”
Children’s Choir
Time of Greeting
“Make Us One”
Old Testament Reading
Psalm 13
“Why Doesn’t God Answer My Prayer Sooner”
Bishop Don Bastian
Closing Hymn #608
“Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah”
“Your Grace Is Enough”


Missionary Robin White serves with Global Partners in Nagoya, Japan. He recently wrote with an update on the work…

Hey Everyone!

Big news. This month one of my English students became a Christian! This student is a lady who has been coming to my Wednesday morning English classes for seven years! She recently stayed after English class to tell me and some others from my church that she had become a believer and is preparing to be baptized! This great news encourages us all. It was a timely reminder that if we’re faithful to plant and water the Gospel, God will make the seeds grow.

Please take a moment to thank God with me for new life in Christ. And pray that I will remain faithful as God continues to bring the harvest. This ministry is a long-term investment, and we praise the Lord for what He can do. Please pray for our ongoing English ministry in Nagoya – especially for the non-Christian students.

For more frequent and specific updates, please join my email list or check out my website: I’m grateful for the adventure God has taken me on over the past many years, and for your partnership in it.

Thank you!

– Robin

Upper Room the latest issue of this daily devotional has arrived and can be picked up from the back Sanctuary table. One per household please. This allows others to benefit as well.

Discipleship Cruise Next May our denomination invites all interested persons to join them on a ship that will stop in Cuba and the Bahamas. See the flyer on the back Sanctuary table to learn more about this unique opportunity for a spiritually enriching vacation.

Service of Prayer for the Persecuted Church will take place next Sunday evening at 6:30pm. Join us for this powerful service of videos, music and prayer for the Lord’s intervention in the lives of fellows believers who are made to suffer because of their faith in Christ.

A Remembrance Day Prayer This Saturday (November 11th) our nation will observe Remembrance Day. We provide the following prayer you may use to respect this occasion. It is adapted from the Methodist Book of Worship: “O God, Our Heavenly Father, we bless you again for the remembrance of this day, when by Your providence, and the might of Your arm, You made war to cease. Accept our praise and thanksgiving. And on this day we remember before You, all who have fought and died so that we may live. Accept our gratitude and make us more worthy of their sacrifices. Help us to follow more closely in the steps of your Son, Jesus, so that we may one day stand in Your presence and experience Your perfect, abiding peace. Amen.”

The Next Week at MWMC


Choir Rehearsal
Sun Nov 5

Sunrise Nursing Home Service
Sun Nov 5

Music Reading Class
Mon Nov 6

Trustees Meeting
Tue Nov 7

Tai Chi for Beginners
Tue Nov 7

Ladies Fall Bible Study
Tue Nov 7

Reach Youth
Wed Nov 8

Time to Pray
Wed Nov 8

Ladies Fall Bible Study
Thr Nov 9

Sunday School
Sun Nov 12

Morning Worship Service
Sun Nov 12

Service of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
Sun Nov 12

Vital Statistics

Attendance: 156
Offering Total: $6,068

About Milliken Church

Milliken Church is part of The Wesleyan Church; an evangelical, holiness group within the Methodist Christian family of denominations. To learn more, visit our website or speak with our pastor.

Mission Statement

Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church is a welcoming community that values diversity. We strive to honour God, confessing Jesus is Lord, through various forms of praise and worship, thoughtful teaching, opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, compassionate outreach and service.

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