MWMC This Week – September 17, 2017

MWMC This Week – September 17, 2017

September 17, 2017

Season of Kingdomtide

During these weeks the Church around the world seeks God’s glory and powerful presence to renew the earth. The colour green on our altar table reminds us that Christ’s Kingdom continues to grow. We pray that you will choose to enter His blessing Kingdom as we worship Him together.

Call to Worship
“Awesome In This Place”
Responsive Invocation
from Romans 13:7-14
Opening Hymn
“Jesus, We Look to Thee” (see insert)
Songs of Praise
“All Things Are Possible”
“Blessed Be Your Name”
“Jesus, Lover of My Soul”
Old Testament Reading
Psalm 112
Song of Response
Child Dedication
Zara Nicole Romero Roxas
Children’s Moment
“Famous One”
Time of Greeting
“Make Us One”
Gospel Reading
Matthew 17:24-27
Pastor Pryor
Song of Response
“He Is Able”
Time of Prayer
Closing Hymn #458
“Take My Life”
“Blessed Be Your Name”


Missionary Robin White serves as a Global Partners worker in Nagoya, Japan. He recently wrote to share an update…

He Everyone!

Last month I visited Hiroshima, along with some friends from Nagoya. We enjoyed a full day of ministry and fellowship with the church there. I preached in the morning and then did a mini-concern with testimonies in the afternoon. We shared many great things to encourage the believers there. I’m thankful for God’s protection, direction, and blessing on the trip.

Last month I visited Hiroshima, along with some friends from Nagoya. We enjoyed a full day of ministry and fellowship with the church there. I preached in the morning and then did a mini-concert with testimonies in the afternoon. We shared many great things to encourage the believers there. I’m thankful for God’s protection, direction and blessing on the trip.

Two days later I was in Nagano, at a Youth Conference, playing with a worship team. It’s always great seeing a large group of Japanese teens worshipping Jesus. They are the group that could seriously impact Japan if they really let Christ take charge of their lives. Join me in praying that they will!

Let me ask for your prayers about the following things. This week I will lead worship at a prayer meeting for our city and nation. Next Sunday I will preach and lead a Bible study in Kyoto. Many people in this land are anxious about the political hostility of North Korea. Let us pray for peace. Let us also pray that this uncertainty will lead people to find the greater peace that Jesus can bring in their lives. The nations strive and strain, but our God never fails us.

Thank you for your continuing prayers and support! Your partnership in our mission here is much needed and appreciated!

– Robin

Fall Church Family Potluck will begin after the Worship Service today. We invite you to stay for this time of food and fellowship. Come meet a new neighbour and friend!

Fall Prayer Walk will take place today at 2pm, and will depart from the Church Gym. Move with us through the neighbourhood as we pray and ask for God’s mercy and power to be at work in the lives/homes of many.

Tai Chi for Beginners meets every Tuesday evening at 6:30pm. Come gain the flexibility and strength you need to maintain good health. Newcomers are always welcome, and learn by doing!

Best Years Fellowship will host their first monthly meeting this Tuesday (September 19th) at 10:30am. We will be driving to nearby St. Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Church for a tour of their building – and their heritage in our shared Christian faith. Speak with Sathi Pokhai to sign up. The St. Mark’s staff needs an accurate number of how many persons will visit. Thank you.

Fall Ladies Bible Study begins soon. Stop by the display table in the foyer to learn more about this 8-week series. The Tuesday evening sessions begin September 26th. The Thursday morning sessions begin September 28th. Speak with Sylvia Watson or Linda Pryor to learn more.

Thanksgiving Cards are now available from Sister Gloria Pickersgill. Speak with her today if you are interested one or a set. A portion of all proceeds will be donated to our Youth Ministry program! Thank you for your support.

The Next Week at MWMC


Welcome Back Potluck
Sun Sept 17

Fall Prayer Walk
Sun Sept 17

Best Years Fellowship
Tue Sept 19

Tai Chi for Beginners
Tue Sept 19

Time to Pray
Wed Sept 20

Reach Youth
Thr Sept 21

Nominating Committee Meeting
Thr Sept 21

Sunday School
Sun Sept 24

Morning Worship
Sun Sept 24

Vital Statistics

Attendance: 141
Offering Total: $4,890

About Milliken Church

Milliken Church is part of The Wesleyan Church; an evangelical, holiness group within the Methodist Christian family of denominations. To learn more, visit our website or speak with our pastor.

Mission Statement

Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church is a welcoming community that values diversity. We strive to honour God, confessing Jesus is Lord, through various forms of praise and worship, thoughtful teaching, opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, compassionate outreach and service.

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