MWMC This Week – July 9, 2017

MWMC This Week – July 9, 2017

July 9, 2017

Season of Pentecost

During these weeks the Church around the world celebrates the presence and work of the Holy Spirit in our midst. He draws us in faith and conforms us to the image of Jesus Christ. May you sense the Spirit’s work in and around you as we worship God today.

Call to Worship
“Come, Now is the Time”
Responsive Invocation
Psalm 45:1-7
Opening Hymn #318
“Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”
Songs of Praise
“Ancient of Days” “You’re Worthy of My Praise” “How Great is Our God”
Old Testament Reading
Isaiah 43:1-13
Song of Response
Children’s Moment
Announcements & A Special Presentation
“Your Name”
Time of Greeting
“Make Us One”
Gospel Reading
Matthew 11:2-11
“Forceful Advancing”
Pastor Pryor
Time of Prayer
“The Heart of Worship”
Closing Hymn #631
“I Know Whom I Have Believed”
“Rise Up & Praise Him”


Ryan & Sarah Schmitz serve as Global Partners Missionaries in Nicaragua. They recently sent the following update…

Dear Milliken Church Family, This has been a month of exciting new things happening in Nicaragua. We hosted two sports ministry outreaches in two communities. This builds goodwill and openness to the Gospel.

We offered training for several of our rural pastors on how to grow and use the Moringa plant in their communities. We also hosted a short term mission team from Colombia! It is beautiful to see mission volunteers from countries that were also once considered mission fields themselves! Because that team already spoke Spanish, their engagement with our people was amazing.

Please pray for us as we wait for the Nicaraguan government to renew our visas. Major changes in immigration policy have slowed down all requests. Pray that our application will be reviewed favourably.

Please also remember our kindergarten teacher at the Las Colinas primary school. She was diagnosed with cancer and has left her position to seek treatment. We ask God to heal, protect and strengthen her.

Thank you for your partnership. Much love and many blessings,

Ryan, Sarah, Micah, Eva, Abel & Esme


Thank you to everyone who attended last Sunday’s reception for our graduates.

Bridal Reception Today we will host a Bridal Reception for Natalie Dukhilall and her fiancee Kingtel Senior. Please come to the gym following our worship service and offer your expressions of congratulations. We rejoice and pray for the couple as they begin this next phase of their lives.

Devotional Available The newest issues of Our Daily Bread is still available at the back Sanctuary table. One per household please. This allows others to benefit as well.

Time to Pray our Wednesday evening time of intercession and sharing gathers in the Fellowship Room at 7:15pm on this weeknight. If you have a request or praise to share, we invite you to write it on a card from the pew rack and place it in the miniature church on the far right corner of the platform.

Vacation Bible School begins this Friday evening at 6:30pm. It will continue all day on Saturday, and into Sunday morning. All children ages 3-11 are invited to attend. We will enjoy games, crafts, snacks, stories and more! For more information, speak with Hyesung Kim today.

Next Sunday we will include a segment of our Annual VBS Program in the Morning Worship Service. We will also share in a VBS Celebration Social following the service. Please pray for this great program and all who will visit to participate in it.

The Next Week at MWMC

Dukhilall Bridal Reception
Sun July 9

Tai Chi for Beginners
Tue July 11

Time to Pray
Wed July 12

Youth Work Night
Thr July 13

Worship Team Rehearsal
Thr July 13

Trustees Meeting
Fri July 14

VBS (Session 1)
Fri July 14

VBS (Session 2)
Sat July 15

VBS (Session 3)
Sun July 16

Morning Worship
Sun July 16

VBS Celebration Social
Sun July 16



Vital Statistics

Attendance: 106
Offering Total: $4,043

About Milliken Church

Milliken Church is part of The Wesleyan Church; an evangelical, holiness group within the Methodist Christian family of denominations. To learn more, visit our website or speak with our pastor.

Mission Statement

Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church is a welcoming community that values diversity. We strive to honour God, confessions Jesus is Lord, through various forms of praise and worship, thoughtful teachings, opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, compassionate outreach and service.

Contact Us

Visit our contact page for more information and ways to get in touch with us!