MWMC This Week – June 4, 2017

MWMC This Week – June 4, 2017

June 4, 2017

Pentecost Sunday

Today Christians around the world celebrate God’s gift of the Holy Spirit. After Jesus returned to heaven, the Spirit descended “like tongues of fire” on those who prayed for His guidance. The colour red on our altar table reminds us of this holy fire. May you sense the joy of the Spirit as we worship today.

Hymn Insert Due to copyright, the hymn “Pentecostal Power” is not included in this email. Pick one up from an usher at church!

Fridge Calendar

Call to Worship
“Holy, Holy, Holy”
Gospel Invocation
from Acts 2:1-6
Opening Hymn
“Pentecostal Power” (see insert)
Songs of Praise
“Church on Fire” “You Are Good” “Holy Spirit”
Old Testament Reading
Joel 2:25-32
Song of Response
“Holy Spirit, Rain Down”
Time of Prayer
“Holy Spirit, Come to Us”
Announcements & Offertory Prayer
“Spirit Welcome”
Time of Greeting
“Make Us One”
New Testament Reading
Romans 1:14-17
“Missions: My Responsibility”
Rev. Joe Ocran
Closing Hymn #659
“We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations”
“Pentecostal Power”


Today we welcome Rev. Joe Ocran again to our fellowship. Rev. Ocran serves as the National Director (and Superintendent) of the Wesleyan Church of Ghana. He and his wife, Jemimah grew up in Ghana and lived for a short period here in Canada. After the Lord called Joe to return to his native land and preach the Gospel, he willingly obeyed.

Christian faith continues to grow quickly in this land. One of its greatest needs is for more trained pastors and lay-leaders in the many congregations that the Holy Spirit has birthed. During Rev. Ocran’s ministry, the Ghanian Wesleyan Church has also extended missionary work into the neighbouring nation of Burkina Faso.

We thank God for the opportunity to bless the Ghana Wesleyan Church through our prayers and financial giving. If you would like to give toward this work, please place your gift in an envelope and write the word “Ghana” on it before placing it in the collection plate today. Please also take a few moments to greet Rev. Ocran after the service this morning. We appreciate his visit!

Light From the Word The latest issue of this daily devotional has arrived. You may pick up a copy from the back Sanctuary table. One per household please, this allows others to benefit as well.

AED Training will take place this Saturday at 10am. This class is for those previously trained to use the AED machine, and for those new to learn! Space is limited, but new trainees are always wanted. Speak with Marlene Chung today to learn more, or reserve your space in the class.

Tai Chi in the Summer This week our Tuesday evening Tai Chi class will shift to its summer time slot of 7pm. Join us in the gym for this time of exercise to increase your flexibility and balance. The routine is only 40 minutes long.

Father’s Day Barbeque is two weeks from today we will take place after the morning worship service. Plan to bring your favourite picnic dish and share this time with the church family.

The Next Week at MWMC

Choir Rehearsal
Mon June 5

Aerobics Group
Mon June 5

Tai Chi for Beginners
Tue June 6

Ladies Evening Bible Study
Tue June 6

Time to Pray
Wed June 7

Ladies Morning Bible Study
Thr June 8

Reach Youth
Thr June 8

AED Training Time
Sat June 10

Morning Worship Service
Sun June 11

Evening Prayer Service
Sun June 11

Vital Statistics

Attendance: 136
Offering Total: $3,871

About Milliken Church

Milliken Church is part of The Wesleyan Church; an evangelical, holiness group within the Methodist Christian family of denominations. To learn more, visit our website or speak with our pastor.

Mission Statement

Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church is a welcoming community that values diversity. We strive to honour God, confessions Jesus is Lord, through various forms of praise and worship, thoughtful teachings, opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, compassionate outreach and service.

Contact Us

Visit our contact page for more information and ways to get in touch with us!