May 21, 2017
Christians around the world rejoice during this season. Jesus is alive forevermore! We hope that you will experience the joy and power of the Living Lord as your worship with us today.
Hymn Insert Due to copyright, the hymn “Servant of All, to Toil for Man” is not included in this email. Pick one up from an usher at church!
Call to Worship
“Keeper of My Heart”
Responsive Invocation
from Matthew 20:25-28
Songs of Praise
“I’m So Glad” “My Life Belongs to You” “Break Every Chain” “Mighty to Save”
New Testament Reading
Ephesians 6:5-9
Hymn of Response
“Servant of All, to Toil for Man” (see insert)
Announcements & Offertory Prayer
“Morning Has Broken”
Time of Greeting
“Make Us One”
Old Testament Reading
Exodus 21:2-11
“LIFE: Lifted”
Pastor Pryor
Time of Prayer
“Make Me a Servant”
Closing Hymn #291
“Thine Is the Glory”
Choral Benediction
“The Lord Bless You & Keep You”
“I’m So Glad”
Ryan & Sarah Schmitz serve as Global Partners missionaries in the nation of the Nicaragua. They recently wrote with an update…
Before coming to Nicaragua, we firmly believed that God calls each Christian to reach their neighbourhoods, nearby communities and cities across the globe. When we stepped off the plane in Nicaragua, we knew that God wanted for us and the North American Church to be living out his vision. But he also wants this passion to be in the hearts of the Nicaraguan Church. We don’t see Nicaraguans as poor, helpless, passive receivers of charity – but as intelligent, creative, and gifted people, capable of reaching to the ends of the earth as well!
The San Juan de la Pliwood Church is a great example of this. Recently the congregation there was gifted a piece of property in the nearby community of Manchester. The believers took their families and traveled to this impoverished community. They sent groups of adults into that neighbourhood, inviting families to services, praying with them, and building relationships. Pastor Uriel has dedicated his time to be the pastor of those who came out in this community outreach. Although they don’t even have a roof over their heads, they are pushing forward with what they have and what they can do right now.
But that’s not all! This past week a woman named Xochilt, their worship leader, felt called to go on a mission trip. She rallied a group of ladies to travel with her to Honduras! The San Juan church people could have said “we need all the help we can get here…We have done enough!” But they didn’t. God has set their hearts ablaze and they are seeing Him provide in every step of faith and outreach they make. Thank you for helping us impact lives and whole communities here, near and far!
Much love and blessings,
Ryan, Sarah, Micah, Eva, Abel & Esme Schmitz
Thank You! Today we wish to express thanks to our committed volunteers who served at yesterday’s Spring Cleaning event. We appreciate the hours of service you gave to get our several rooms and our yard looking cleaner. We appreciate your labors!
Best Years Fellowship will take place this Tuesday (May 23rd) at 10:30 am. Our guest speaker will be Ms. Vandita Trevedi from Community & Home Assistance To Seniors (CHAT) organization. Her presentation topic will be “Depression in Seniors: How to Cope.” We will also share in a potluck lunch after the meeting. Please invite a friend to share in our fellowship.
Men’s Breakfast will meet this Saturday morning at 8:30 am. Men of all ages are encouraged to join us as we share food for the body and for the soul.
The Annual Summer Bus Trip has been scheduled for Thursday, June 15th. It will include several stops, including lunch and some “Strawberry Time” at the Springridge Farm. The cost is $85 per person. Speak with Satie Pokhai, Beverley James, Pam Montoute or Stephen Rollins to learn more.
The Next Week at MWMC
Choir Rehearsal
Sun May 21
Aerobics Group
Mon May 22
Best Years Fellowship
Tue May 23
Tai Chi for Beginners
Tue May 23
Ladies Evening Bible Study
Tue May 23
Time to Pray
Wed May 24
Ladies Morning Bible Study
Thr May 25
Reach Youth
Thr May 25
Men’s Breakfast
Sat May 27
Christian Education Hour
Sun May 28
Morning Worship & Communion Service
Sun May 28
Vital Statistics
Attendance: 159
Offering Total: $3,912
About Milliken Church
Milliken Church is part of The Wesleyan Church; an evangelical, holiness group within the Methodist Christian family of denominations. To learn more, visit our website or speak with our pastor.
Mission Statement
Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church is a welcoming community that values diversity. We strive to honour God, confessions Jesus is Lord, through various forms of praise and worship, thoughtful teachings, opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, compassionate outreach and service.
Contact Us
Visit our contact page for more information and ways to get in touch with us!