April 2, 2017
Hymn Insert – This insert cannot be placed in the online version due to copyright. Please pick up a copy of the hymn from an usher at church
Fridge Calendar – Monthly Calendar of Events (Download)
During this season, the Church around the world meditates on the sacrifice that Jesus made to reconcile the world to God. Let us seek deeper reconciliation and glory in Christ as we worship this morning.
Call to Worship
“Fill This Place”
Responsive Invocation
Opening Hymn
“Christ is the World’s Light” (see insert)
Songs of Praise
“Let It Rise” “Open the Eyes of My Heart” “Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)”
Gospel Reading
John 3:11-21
Song of Response
“We Are”
Children’s Moment
All children are invited to the front of the Sanctuary at this time.
Announcements & Offertory
Prayer Offertory
Milliken Church Choir with Norma Ashley, Soprano Soloist
Time of Greeting
“Make Us One”
Old Testament Reading
Exodus 25:31-40 & 37:17-24 & 40:24-25
“The Lampstand”
Song of Preparation
“Here I Am to Worship”
Time of Prayer
Closing Hymn #630
“There is Sunshine in My Soul Today”
Choral Benediction
“The Lord Bless You & Keep You”
“We Are the Light”
Markham Pregnancy Centre
Proverbs 3:5 & 6 says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” This has been a key verse to describe what God is doing here at the Centre recently. We are reaching more and more “abortion vulnerable” women. They are choosing to come in and meet with me. Some are choosing to keep their babies and we are journeying with them. Even those who choose to abort are still coming back to talk and be cared for with post-abortion support.
Our community awareness has increased as a result. A couple more churches have also recently joined our effort by giving both financial and practical support for our clients. One group now makes nutritional soups for moms and applesauces for their babies each month! Praise the Lord for this. Our clients are also sharing stories with others as they become empowered and equipped to better care for themselves and their children. This further increases our influence and respect in the community.
As we watch these moms open doors and pursue their own education and job acquisition, it is encouraging to think that we have been a small part in their progress. Thank you for continuing your prayers and participation with us.
-Janice Russell, Director
Sunrise Nursing Home Today is our monthly outing to the Sunrise Nursing Home. Join our loving crew and share the joy of Christ in this great outreach ministry.
Tax Help Clinic continues this Saturday. If you know someone in a low income bracket who needs help filling out their income tax return, we can help! Speak with Chris Lai to learn more.
Time to Pray Wednesday evenings at 7:15pm several gather here for a time of prayer. We invite you to visit and share your prayer requests or praises. See how God may move as we pray.
Men’s Night Out: Dinner & A Movie Men of all ages are invited to a great night of fellowship and inspiration this Saturday night as we share dinner and a movie. We will enjoy a great barbecue dinner and a powerful movie, beginning at 6pm. Invite a friend to come with you for this meaningful event.
Memorial Easter Lilies may be reserved and purchased today and next Sunday. An insert in the bulletin will honour all those remembered. To add your loved one, please write the following on an envelope and place it in the collection: Your name, the name of the person being remembered, and their relationship to you. Please also include $15 to make this purchase.
Sisters Maslyn Hamlet & Lucilla Bosma wish to thank everyone for their love and support during the recent passing of their sister, Annabella Wallace: “God bless you for the many expressions of sympathy you made through prayers, contacts, and attendance at both the visitation and the funeral services for our sister. We were comforted and encouraged by the care of our great church family during this time of loss.”
Speaker: Rev. George Pryor
Passage: Exodus 25:31-40, 37:17-24 & 40:24-25
Title: “The Lampstand”
Series: “A Dwelling for His Glory”
The Next Week at MWMC
Choir Rehearsal
Sun Apr 2
Sunrise Worship Service
Sun Apr 2
Church Board Meeting
Mon Apr 3
Aerobics Group
Mon Apr 3
Trustees Meeting
Tue Apr 4
Tai Chi for Beginners
Tue Apr 4
Ladies Evening Bible Study
Tue Apr 4
Time to Pray (at Milliken Church)
Wed Apr 5
Ladies Morning Bible Study
Thr Apr 6
Reach Youth
Thr Apr 6
First Friday Prayer Vigil
Fri Apr 7
Tax Clinic Appointments
Sat Apr 8
Men’s Night Out: Dinner & A Movie
Sat Apr 8
Sunday School Classes
Apr 9
Morning Worship
Sun Apr 2
Vital Statistics
Attendance: 146
Offering Total: $5,033
About Milliken Church
Milliken Church is part of The Wesleyan Church; an evangelical, holiness group within the Methodist Christian family of denominations. To learn more, visit our website or speak with our pastor.
Mission Statement
Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church is a welcoming community that values diversity. We strive to honour God, confessions Jesus is Lord, through various forms of praise and worship, thoughtful teachings, opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, compassionate outreach and service.
Contact Us
Visit our contact page for more information and ways to get in touch with us!