March 12, 2017
During this season, the Church around the world meditates on the sacrifice that Jesus made to reconcile the world to God. Let us seek deeper reconciliation and glory in Christ as we worship this morning.
PreService Music
“Lamb of Glory”
Call to Worship
“Fill This Place”
Responsive Invocation
Psalm 4
Songs of Praise
“We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise” “You’re Worthy of My Praise” “Worthy Is the Lamb” “Above All”
New Testament Reading
Hebrews 10:11-18
Hymn of Response #250
“Calvary Covers It All”
Children’s Moment
All children are invited to the front of the Sanctuary at this time.
Time of Greeting
“Make Us One”
Old Testament Reading
Exodus 27:1-8 & 38:1-7
“The Altar of Sacrifice”
Song of Response
“I Offer My Life”
Time of Prayer
Closing Hymn #646
“You’re Worthy of My Praise”
Hi Everyone,
Last month we completed our second year with our current kids English class. They are an energetic bunch, and it’s a lot of work keeping up with them. But we have a lot of fun together. As I’ve mentioned before, most of my students in all four of my English classes (three for adults and one for children) are non-Christians. But I’m thankful for the relationships being developed between our church and community through the English ministry. Little by little, we’re getting to sow Kingdom seeds in their lives.
During this month’s English Bible study, we had some very good conversations about Jesus, heaven, and the Gospel. I believe two of the students really recognized major differences between Christianity and the world’s other religions! Please keep praying for the students, families and friends we’re connecting with through our English ministry at Immanuel Nagoya Church. Please also pray for me as I lead worship at my church’s prayer meeting on March 22nd.
If you would like more information about what is going on with our work here in this land, you can find it on the internet at the following address:
As always, thank you for your partnership!
Lenten Lectio Worship will take place this Thursday evening at 7 pm. Come to pray and meditate in Christ’s presence. Our learning about the Holy Tabernacle will also continue as part of our time in God’s glorious presence.
Shout Out will begin at 6 pm this Saturday in they gym. Come and gain much as fellow believers of all ages share insights and experiences. Speak with Stephen Rollins to learn more.
LIFT Event This Saturday at 1 pm, our ladies will host a special event to benefit the Bendale Closet charity. A list of items you can bring can be picked up from the back Sanctuary table. Speak with any of our LIFT Team members to learn more.
Best Years Fellowship invites you to their March 21st gathering at 10:30 am. This month a speaker from the Canadian Cancer Society will share information on how to maintain health and prevent cancer in your own body. A potluck lunch will follow the meeting.
Ladies Spring Bible Study will soon begin. This season we will consider the lives of 12 women in the Bible. We invite you to visit the table in the foyer to learn more or to sign up.
Speaker: Rev. George Pryor
Passage: Exodus 27:1-8 & 38:1-7
Title: “The Altar of Sacrifice”
Series: “A Dwelling for His Glory”
The Next Week at MWMC
Choir Rehearsal
Sun Mar 12
Church Board Meeting
Mon Mar 13
Aerobics Group
Mon Mar 13
Tai Chi for Beginners
Tue Mar 14
Time to Pray (at Milliken Church)
Wed Mar 15
Reach Youth
Thr Mar 16
Lenten Lectio Worship
Thr Mar 16
LIFT Event
Sat Mar 18
Shout Out Event
Sat Mar 18
Sunday School Classes
Sun Mar 19
Vital Statistics
Attendance: 146
Offering Total: $4,762
About Milliken Church
Milliken Church is part of The Wesleyan Church; an evangelical, holiness group within the Methodist Christian family of denominations. To learn more, visit our website or speak with our pastor.
Mission Statement
Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church is a welcoming community that values diversity. We strive to honour God, confessions Jesus is Lord, through various forms of praise and worship, thoughtful teachings, opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, compassionate outreach and service.
Contact Us
Visit our contact page for more information and ways to get in touch with us!