January 1, 2017
Today is a joint service between all three Wesleyan congregations who call our building home – Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church, Toronto Korean Wesleyan Church, and The Tamil Christian Church of Canada!
Call to Worship
“Come Let Us Worship”
Responsive Invocation
Opening Hymn
Hymn #199 “Redeeming Love”
Songs of Praise
“The King of Glory” “Shine Jesus, Shine” & “The Greatest Thing”
Old Testament Reading
Isaiah 63:7-9
Song of Response
“I Could Sing of Your Love Forever”
Time of Prayer
“He Is Here”
Children’s Moment
“The Prayer”
Doxology & Time of Greeting
“Make Us One”
New Testament Reading
Acts 17:1-9
“Turned the World Upside Down”
Prayer of Commitment
Closing Hymn
Hymn #9 “Teach Us What We Yet May Be”
Postlude Music
“Shine Jesus, Shine”
Offering Request
There will be one collection taken during our worship service. Please use a marked envelope for your giving. Write your name on the envelope you use, along with a letter (in the upper left corner) to indicates which congregation your giving should be forwarded to:
K = Toronto Korean Wesleyan
M = Milliken Wesleyan Methodist
T = Tamil Christian Church
Thank you for your attention to this important detail.
Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church, Toronto Korean Wesleyan Church, and The Tamil Christian Church of Canada are part of The Wesleyan Church of Canada. This is an evangelical, holiness group within the Methodist Christian family of denominations. We thank God for the shared vision and fellowship that is ours inside this connection.