MWMC This Week – December 23, 2018

MWMC This Week – December 23, 2018

December 23, 2018

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Christ is coming! The color blue on our altar table signals us to “look up” (to the sky) for our redemption draws near. We long to be ready for His appearing and share in the joy He promises His people. We pray that you will sense Jesus’ joy-giving presence as we worship today.

Call to Worship
“Come Let Us Worship & Bow Down”
Responsive Invocation
based on Titus 2:11-14
Songs of Praise
“King of Kings”
“Sing to the King”
“Revelation Song”
Advent Cantle Litany
Isaiah 9:2-7
The Llaneta Family
Carol of Response #184
“Hark! The Herald Angels Sing”
Time of Prayer
“Wait for the Lord”
Children’s Moment
Infant Dedication of Westen Evan Southwell
Time of Greeting
Announcements & Offering Prayer
“We Are”
Gospel Reading
John 8:12-20
“The Light”
Time of Response
“Here I Am to Worship”
Time of Response
Closing Hymn (insert)
“I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light”
“King of Kings”
Music Worship Team

Tamil Young Voices Concert This evening at 6pm, the Tamil Christian Church will host a live concert of music and drama here in the Sanctuary. Please note that you are invited to attend. Rev. Peter Rigby, our District Superintendent, will also share devotional words as part of the presentation.

Church Office Hours Please note that our Church Office will be closed on Tuesday, December 25th through Thursday, December 27th for the holiday. If you have a pastoral emergency, please call 416-434-5082. May God bless you and your family as you celebrate Christmas.

Year-End Prayer Time Next Sunday morning at 9:30am you are invited to the Fellowship Room for a special hour of prayer for the year now passed. If you wish to receive prayer for any personal matters, please come to this event. This will be led by members of our Prayer Ministry Team. We hope to see you then.

2019 Giving Envelopes have been prepared for those who continue to use this annual resource. If you would like to begin using this method of giving, please speak with Sathi Selliah or Pat Pitre today.

A December Focus

During the closing weeks of this calendar year, Milliken Church wishes to express God’s care for vulnerable children – both locally and globally. Please consider a donation toward these causes:

The Markham Pregnancy Centre is hosting its annual Hearts & Hands Fundraising Drive. This local Christian agency provides counseling, medical advice, and baby supplies so that giving birth becomes a real option for those advised otherwise. One donor has offered to match all monetary donations the Centre receives during the month of December. Please consider what you may give. Place your gift in an envelope, mark it “MPC” and place it in the collection plates during the offering. Thank you for your generosity to preserve the lives of soon-to-be-born children here in Markham.

The Alpha Project operates as an outreach ministry of the Kamakwie Wesleyan Hospital in Sierra Leone. On Christmas Eve we will collect an offering for this rescue and nutrition training program. It reaches several villages and rural areas in the province of Sella Limba. Nurses in this program restore the health of severely malnourished children, enabling them to survive and grow. This has preserved hundreds of families and demonstrated the love of Jesus in a very cost-effective way. Please come prepared to give toward this ministry during our Candlelight Worship Service on Christmas Eve at 7pm. Thank you.


Scripture: John 8:12-20
Title: “The Light”
Speaker: Pastor Ryan Genereaux

The Next Week at MWMC

Choir Rehearsal
Sun Dec 23

Sunrise Nursing Home Service
Sun Dec 23

HandChimes Rehearsal
Mon Dec 24

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Mon Dec 24

Christmas Day (Office Closed)
Tue Dec 25

Boxing Day (Office Closed)
Wed Dec 26

Year-End Prayer Time
Sun Dec 30

Christmas Sunday Worship & Communion Service
Sun Dec 30

Last Sunday Statistics

Attendance: 141
Offering Total: $5,763

About Milliken Church

Milliken Church is part of The Wesleyan Church; an evangelical, holiness group within the Methodist Christian family of denominations. To learn more, visit our website or speak with our pastor.

Mission Statement

Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church is a welcoming community that values diversity. We strive to honour God, confessing Jesus is Lord, through various forms of praise and worship, thoughtful teaching, opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, compassionate outreach and service.

Contact Us

Visit our contact page for more information and ways to get in touch with us!