MWMC This Week – December 31, 2017

MWMC This Week – December 31, 2017

December 31, 2017

Christmas Sunday

God has kept His promise to send a Messiah Deliverer. All creation stands in wonder at how the Lord has incarnated Himself in human form to identify with humanity. We pray that you will experience Jesus’ joy giving presence as we worship today.

 Call to Worship
“O How I Love You, Jesus”
Responsive Invocation
Opening Hymn
“Once in Royal David’s City” (see insert)
Songs of Praise
“The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy”
“Beautiful One”
“Love Came Down”
Gospel Reading
Luke 2:21-38
Song of Response
“He Is Here”
Children’s Moment
“Good Good Father”
Time of Greeting
Old Testament Reading
Isaiah 62:1-7
Special Presentation
Revs. David & Olivia Phillips
Time of Prayer
“Jesus, Lead On”
Closing Hymn
“Give to the Winds Thy Fears”
“Beautiful One” 

Pastors David & Olivia Phillips join us today to share their vision for planting a church here in our city of Toronto! They have written the following…

Dear Milliken Church Family,

We look forward to meeting and sharing with you today. Our call to church planting came at Kingswood University prior to our marriage in 2012. We had begun our journey at Kingswood in 2008 & 2009 with the hopes of working in ministry to teens and in an academic setting. But since that time we have felt drawn towards ministry in a church plant setting. We have participated in other new church plants, but felt that we needed time in a stabilized church ministry, learning leadership and management skills to be ready for the time of our calling.

During the waiting, we went on for further education in areas which we felt would prepare them for this call. In April 2016, while attending the Exponential Church Planting Conference in Orlando, Florida, we felt called specifically to plant in the city of Toronto.

The clarity of the call was undeniable, and we knew this city would soon be our home. Since then, we have been actively preparing through fundraising, staff planning, and all the detail work that comes with starting a church.

We are both avid tabletop gamers – and Olivia even hosts and judges tournaments on behalf of the local gaming meta! We both enjoy a lot of the same books and movies (Sci-Fi and Fantasy genres), But David really loves a good, clean Romantic movie. We each like particular video games, although we don’t play often. David loves walks, but Olivia only goes if she can do something productive as a part of their journey – like go to the grocery store, or play Pokemon Go.

Our hobbies (while nerdy) have been a major part of our ministry over the past 7 years. They have helped us to connect with those who have been ostracized by the church and form lasting bonds of friendship and faith. Please pray with us about God’s work here in your city – Toronto! Thank you.

– David & Olivia Phillips

Today we welcome Revs. David & Olivia Phillips as our guests. This young couple are praying about planting a Wesleyan church in the southwestern section of Toronto. They will visit to share their calling and dreams for God’s new work in our city.

New Years Prayer Vigil begins this morning at 9:30am in the Fellowship Room. We invite you to sign up for a 30-minute period during which you will pray for God’s guidance for yourself and our church. Please sign up for the time of your choice at the Information Desk at the back of the sanctuary. A list of prayer concerns may also be picked up to guide your prayers.

New Year Prayer & Praise will take place tomorrow morning at 9:30am in the Fellowship Room. Begin 2018 in the presence of the Lord as we take these moments to close our Prayer Vigil and celebrate all that God will do in the months to come.

Wesley Covenant Renewal Service will take place next Sunday morning. This traditional service will include hymns, readings, prayers and the serving of Holy Communion.

2018 Offering Envelopes Those who use this method of giving are invited to pick up their boxed envelope sets from the back Sanctuary table. If you would like to begin using this method, please speak with Sathi Selliah or Pat Pitre today.

The Next Week at MWMC

Choir Rehearsal
Sun Dec 31

New Year Prayer & Praise
Mon Jan 1

Tai Chi for Beginners
Tue Jan 2

Reach Youth
Wed Jan 3

Time to Pray
Wed Jan 3

Sunday School begins
Sun Jan 7

Wesley Covenant Renewal Service
Sun Jan 7

Vital Statistics

Attendance: 137
Offering Total: $6,223

About Milliken Church

Milliken Church is part of The Wesleyan Church; an evangelical, holiness group within the Methodist Christian family of denominations. To learn more, visit our website or speak with our pastor.

Mission Statement

Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church is a welcoming community that values diversity. We strive to honour God, confessing Jesus is Lord, through various forms of praise and worship, thoughtful teaching, opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, compassionate outreach and service.

Contact Us

Visit our contact page for more information and ways to get in touch with us!