MWMC This Week – February 5, 2017

MWMC This Week – February 5, 2017

February 5, 2017


Hymn Insert –  This insert cannot be placed in the online version due to copyright. Please pick up a copy of the hymn from an usher at church.

Fridge Calendar – Monthly Calendar of Events (Download)


Jesus has come to earth!  The Church around the world celebrates the God “who we have seen, whom our hands have touched.”  May you experience the presence of Jesus today as we worship.

Call to Worship
“I Will Sing of the Mercies”
Responsive Invocation based on Ephesians 5:1-2
Opening Hymn #98
“Great is Thy Faithfulness”
Songs of Praise
“Better Than Life” “Your Grace Is Enough” “Surely Goodness & Mercy”
Old Testament Reading
Psalm 41
Song of Response
“Only By Grace”
Time of Prayer
“He Is Here”
Children’s Moment
All children are invited to the front of the Sanctuary at this time.
Announcements & Offering Prayer
“Grace Flows Down”
Time of Greeting
“Make Us One”
Gospel Reading
Matthew 5:1-12
Time of Response
“Only by Grace”
Prayer of Commitment
Closing Hymn
“There’s A Wideness” (see insert)
“I Could Sing of Your Love Forever”

The Czech Republic

Luke & Megan Adams serve as Global Partners missionaries in the Czech Republic. They write with the following update….   

Dear Friends,

Winter and sickness seem to go hand-in-hand here. The past two months have brought us one cold and flu after another. Our house has been a mess of kids and parents lying around, moaning, groaning and sometimes crying. As our bodies continually adjust to the environment of a different continent, we suppose this is part of life! However, something amazing happened during all of these sleep and recovery hours. Luke woke up once, and realized that during his dream, he had been speaking Czech to the persons in his dream! Fellow missionaries tell us that this is a sign of truly learning the language. So we thank God for that.

Another encouraging sign to us was a gift that Luke’s floorball/hockey team unexpectedly gave him last month; a jersey for the local hockey team in Prague. We took this great gift as another sign that we have built meaningful relationships with our non-believing friends here.

Thank you for remembering us in your prayers and your giving. You are a great support to us. As we begin our second year here in the Czech Republic, we look forward to what God will do in the year ahead. God bless you all.

Luke, Megan, Cole, Jensen & Lucy

LCWC Move Today our sister church, Light Wesleyan Church of Toronto moved locations and will now meet near Finch and Weston Road, in North York. Please pray for the congregation as they adjust.   

Sunrise Service will take place today at 1:30pm. We will hold a short practice after the service this morning. Join our joyful crew as we share the love of Christ in the local nursing home. Speak with Chris Lai or Norma Ashley to learn more.   

Prayer If you have a prayer request, please write it on a card from te pew rack and place it in the pink box on the right corner of the platform.   

Looking Forward Our program ministry directors and staff will share their plans for the spring and summer months here at Milliken Church on Sat., Feb. 18th. We encourage everyone to join us at 9:45am that day as we share and provide some leadership training.

Shout Out Event “I teach you; You teach me” Adults of all ages will share together at this new gathering, on Sat. evening, Feb. 18th. When we take the time to learn from each other, our lives and relationships are enriched! Speak with Stephen Rollins to learn more.

Special Appeal During the coming weeks a high school student from one of our sister churches in eastern Ontario will be moving to the Toronto area as he continues his studies in the area. He is in need of a place to rent during the school year. If you have a bedroom or studio apartment that he could rent, please speak with Phil Farrell to learn more. Thanks!

The Next Week at MWMC

Choir Rehearsal
Sun Feb 5

Sunrise Nursing Home Service
Sun Feb 5

Aerobics Group
Mon Feb 6

Trustees Meeting
Tue Feb 7

Tai Chi for Beginners
Tue Feb 7

Time to Pray (at the Legada Home)
Wed Feb 8

Reach Youth
Thr Feb 9

Sunday School Classes
Sun Feb 12

Vital Statistics

Worship Attendance: 127
Offering Total: $4,755

About Milliken Church

Milliken Church is part of The Wesleyan Church; an evangelical, holiness group within the Methodist Christian family of denominations. To learn more, visit our website or speak with our pastor.

Mission Statement

Milliken Wesleyan Methodist Church is a welcoming community that values diversity. We strive to honour God, confessions Jesus is Lord, through various forms of praise and worship, thoughtful teachings, opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, compassionate outreach and service.

Contact Us

Visit our contact page for more information and ways to get in touch with us!